Recent Developments in International Management Research

Although the field of management has many international dimensions, this article limits the review of recent developments in international management research to eight important areas: (a) human resource management, (b) organizational behavior, (c) production management, (d) information and technology transfer, (e) structure and control, (f) strategy, (g) business-government relations, and (h) forms of involvement.

[1]  Y. Zeira,et al.  Selection of Expatriate Managers in MNCs: The Host-Environment Point of View , 1985 .

[2]  Rosalie L. Tung Human Resource Planning in Japanese Multinationals: A Model for U.S. Firms? , 1984 .

[3]  A. Rugman Internalization as a General Theory of Foreign Direct Investment , 1985 .

[4]  Jeffrey S. Arpan,et al.  The International Competitiveness of the U.S. Textile Mill Products Industry: Corporate Strategies for the Future , 1984 .

[5]  Nancy J. Adler,et al.  Cross-Cultural Management Research: The Ostrich and the Trend. , 1983 .

[6]  L. Bourgeois On the Measurement of Organizational Slack , 1981 .

[7]  G. Hofstede The Cultural Relativity of the Quality of Life Concept , 1984 .

[8]  Roderick E. White,et al.  The Strategies of Foreign Subsidiaries: Responses to Organizational Slack , 1984 .

[9]  David A. Ricks,et al.  Multinational Parent Companies’ Influence over Human Resource Decisions of Affiliates: U.S. Firms in Mexico , 1989 .

[10]  Michael E. Porter,et al.  Patterns of International Coalition Activity , 1986 .

[11]  W. C. Kim,et al.  Developing a global diversification measure , 1989 .

[12]  K. R. Harrigan Strategies for joint ventures , 1985 .

[13]  Kenneth D. Ramsing,et al.  Manufacturing in the corporate strategy , 1979 .

[14]  C. Galbraith,et al.  Towards a Theory of Multinational Enterprise , 1986 .

[15]  Jean-Louis Schaan,et al.  Parent Control And Joint Venture Success: The Case Of Mexico , 1983 .

[16]  A. Negandhi Comparative Management and Organization Theory: A Marriage Needed , 1975 .

[17]  M. Fitzpatrick The Definition and Assessment of Political Risk in International Business: A Review of the Literature , 1983 .

[18]  Howard E. Aldrich,et al.  Organization-Sets, Action-Sets, and Networks: Making the Most of Simplicity , 1981 .

[19]  M. Casson Multinationals and World Trade: Vertical Integration and the Division of Labour in World Industries , 1986 .

[20]  Mariann Jelinek,et al.  Is “organization culture” culture bound? , 1986 .

[21]  N. Adler,et al.  Women in Management Worldwide , 1988 .

[22]  Anant R. Negandhi,et al.  Cross-Cultural Management Research: Trend and Future Directions , 1983 .

[23]  M. Porter Competition in Global Industries , 1986 .

[24]  R. Osborn,et al.  Handbook of Organizational Design. Vol. 1: Adapting Organizations to Their Environments. , 1982 .

[25]  M. Brooke,et al.  The strategy of multinational enterprise , 1970 .

[26]  J. Alex Murray Intelligence systems of the mncs , 1973 .

[27]  J. Jarillo,et al.  The Evolution of Research on Coordination Mechanisms in Multinational Corporations , 1989 .

[28]  Anant R. Negandhi,et al.  The Management Practices of Japanese Subsidiaries Overseas , 1985 .

[29]  A. Rugman,et al.  New Theories of the Multinational Enterprise , 1983 .

[30]  Mark E. Mendenhall,et al.  Expatriate Selection, Training and Career‐Pathing: A Review and Critique , 1987 .

[31]  C. R. Dexter Cooperation and Competition in the Global Economy: Issues and Strategies , 1990 .

[32]  Benjamin Gomes-Casseres,et al.  Ownership structures of foreign subsidiaries : Theory and evidence , 1989 .

[33]  J. L. Torre,et al.  Cross-National Managerial Interaction: A Conceptual Model , 1978 .

[34]  J. Sullivan Human Nature, Organizations, and Management Theory , 1986 .

[35]  David J. Lemak,et al.  A strategic contingency model of multinational corporate structure , 1988 .

[36]  F. Contractor Licensing in International Strategy: A Guide for Planning and Negotiations , 1985 .

[37]  J. Pfeffer Size and Composition of Corporate Boards of Directors: The Organization and its Environment , 1972 .

[38]  C. K. Prahalad,et al.  Controlled variety: A challenge for human resource management in the MNC , 1986 .

[39]  L. J. Bourgeois,et al.  Strategic Management and Determinism , 1984 .

[40]  Louis T. Wells,et al.  Managing the multinational enterprise , 1972 .

[41]  J. Johanson,et al.  Internationalisation in Industrial Systems — A Network Approach , 1988 .

[42]  A. Rugman,et al.  Inside The Multinationals , 1981 .

[43]  Paul W. Beamish,et al.  Equity Joint Ventures and the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise , 1987 .

[44]  William G. Egelhoff Patterns of Control in U.S., UK and European Multinational Corporations , 1984 .

[45]  Claudio R. Frischtak,et al.  International Technology Transfer: Concepts, Measures, and Comparisons , 1985 .


[47]  Briance Mascarenhas,et al.  Country-Risk Assessment System in Banks: Patterns and Performance , 1985 .

[48]  G. Hofstede The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories , 1983 .

[49]  Shirley J. Daniel,et al.  Japan vs. Silicon Valley: Quality-Cost Trade-Off Philosophies , 1990 .

[50]  Geoffrey Jones,et al.  Multinationals : theory and history , 1988 .

[51]  David A. Ricks International Business Research: Past, Present and Future , 1985 .

[52]  Briance Mascarenhas STRATEGIC GROUP DYNAMICS , 1989 .

[53]  Jang-Sub Lee Strategic choice, foreign involvement, and firm performance , 1986 .

[54]  Henrik Schmiegelow,et al.  Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory , 1989 .

[55]  H. Thorelli Networks: Between Markets and Hierarchies , 1986 .

[56]  J. Boddewyn Political Aspects of MNE Theory , 1988 .

[57]  Nancy J. Adler,et al.  Cross-Cultural Interaction: The International Comparison Fallacy? , 1989 .

[58]  David A. Ricks,et al.  Is Transnational Data Flow Regulation a Problem? , 1988 .

[59]  O. Shenkar,et al.  Clustering Countries on Attitudinal Dimensions: A Review and Synthesis , 1985 .

[60]  V. Pucik,et al.  Information, control, and human resource management in multinational firms , 1986 .

[61]  O. Shenkar,et al.  The Cultural Context of Negotiations: The Implications of Chinese Interpersonal Norms , 1987 .

[62]  Jan Monkiewicz International Technology Flows and the Technology Gap , 1989 .

[63]  R. Caves,et al.  World Trade and Payments , 1992 .

[64]  N. Adler A Typology of Management Studies Involving Culture , 1983 .

[65]  Yui Kimura Firm-Specific Strategic Advantages and Foreign Direct Investment Behavior of Firms: The Case of Japanese Semiconductor Firms , 1989 .

[66]  Kathryn Rudie Harrigan,et al.  Matching vertical integration strategies to competitive conditions , 1986 .


[68]  Ben L. Kedia,et al.  Cultural Constraints on Transfer of Technology Across Nations: Implications for Research in International and Comparative Management , 1988 .

[69]  J. Stewart Black,et al.  Work Role Transitions: A Study of American Expatriate Managers in Japan , 1988 .

[70]  Jeffrey Pfeffer,et al.  Merger as a response to organizational interdependence , 1972 .

[71]  Briance Mascarenhas International Strategies of Non-Dominant Firms , 1986 .

[72]  Yoram Zeira,et al.  Human Resources Management in International Joint Ventures: Directions for Research , 1987 .

[73]  W. A. Spivey,et al.  Global management: Concepts, themes, problems, and research issues , 1990 .

[74]  P. Earley,et al.  Trust, Perceived Importance of Praise and Criticism, and Work Performance: An Examination of Feedback in the United States and England , 1986 .

[75]  Steven Leslie Mandell Multinational corporate computer-based information systems and the parent-subsidiary interface. , 1975 .

[76]  R. R. Blake,et al.  The Productivity Battle: A Behavioral Science Analysis of apan and the United States , 1984 .

[77]  Torbjörn Stjernberg,et al.  The Change Process of Innovative Work Designs: New Design and Redesign in Sweden, Canada, and the U.S. , 1986 .

[78]  Shifting Personal Values in the Japanese Management System , 1985 .

[79]  B. Borys,et al.  Hybrid Arrangements as Strategic Alliances: Theoretical Issues in Organizational Combinations , 1989 .

[80]  Peter J. Buckley,et al.  The Growth of International Business. , 1983 .

[81]  T. Poynter Government Intervention in Less Developed Countries: The Experience of Multinational Companies , 1982 .

[82]  J. Stewart Black,et al.  Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness: A Review and a Theoretical Framework for Future Research , 1990 .

[83]  Jay R. Galbraith,et al.  Strategy implementation : structure, systems, and process , 1986 .

[84]  A. Jaeger,et al.  Multinational Corporations: Control Systems and Delegation Issues , 1984 .


[86]  Thomas E. Vollmann,et al.  Evolving Global Manufacturing Strategies: Projections into the 1990s , 1986 .

[87]  P. Berg Symbolic management of human resources , 1986 .

[88]  Harbir Singh,et al.  The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode , 1988 .

[89]  D. Lessard International financial management: Theory and application , 1985 .

[90]  Alan M. Rugman International business in Canada : strategies for management , 1989 .

[91]  I. Vertinsky,et al.  Does Culture Matter? A Cross-Cultural Study of Executives’ Choice, Decisiveness, and Risk Adjustment in International Marketing , 1988 .

[92]  M. Brooke Managing Political Risk Assessment , 1983 .

[93]  Balaji S. Chakravarthy,et al.  Strategic planning for a global business , 1986 .

[94]  D. Nigh,et al.  The Effect of Political Events on United States Direct Foreign Investment: A Pooled Time-Series Cross-Sectional Analysis , 1985 .

[95]  M. Casson,et al.  The future of the multinational enterprise , 1977 .

[96]  James D. Thompson Organizations in Action , 1967 .

[97]  Young-Kon Kim Strategic competition in negotiations of international technology licensing : the informational interaction view , 1988 .

[98]  G. W. England,et al.  Some Methodological and Analytic Considerations in Cross-National Comparative Research , 1983 .

[99]  Marietta J. Tretter,et al.  Organizing for Dual Strategies of Product Diversity and International Expansion , 1985 .

[100]  Liam Fahey,et al.  Evaluating the Research on Strategy Content , 1986 .

[101]  J. Jarillo On strategic networks , 1988 .

[102]  Y. Zeira,et al.  Selecting Managers for Foreign Assignments , 1987 .

[103]  Sumantra Ghoshal,et al.  Organizing for Worldwide Effectiveness: The Transnational Solution , 1988 .

[104]  J. Dunning The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions , 1988 .

[105]  V. Srinivasan,et al.  Payments Netting in International Cash Management: A Network Optimization Approach , 1986 .

[106]  Luis R. Gomez-Mejia,et al.  Effect of Occupation on Task Related, Contextual and Job Involvement Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective , 1984 .

[107]  William Diebold,et al.  U.S. competitiveness in the world economy , 1985 .

[108]  Jeffrey Pfeffer,et al.  Joint Ventures and Interorganizational Interdependence , 1976 .

[109]  R. Vernon International investment and international trade in the product cycle , 1966 .

[110]  D. Mowery International collaborative ventures in U.S. manufacturing , 1988 .

[111]  C. Bartlett,et al.  Creation, Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations by Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations , 1988 .

[112]  B. Guile,et al.  Technology and global industry : companies and nations in the world economy , 1987 .

[113]  Richard N. Farmer,et al.  COMPARATIVE management and economic progress , 1966 .

[114]  C. K. Prahalad,et al.  Do you really have a global strategy , 1985 .

[115]  William G. Egelhoff,et al.  Centralization in Headquarters–Subsidiary Relationships , 1986 .

[116]  Paul Shrivastava,et al.  Learning structures for top management , 1986 .

[117]  A. Whatley,et al.  Assessing the Effects of Culture on Managerial Attitudes: A Three-Culture Test , 1987 .

[118]  Peter Hwang,et al.  Global diversification strategy and corporate profit performance , 1989 .

[119]  Michael E. Porter,et al.  Changing Patterns of International Competition , 1986 .

[120]  J. Dunning Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests , 1980 .

[121]  A. V. D. Ven,et al.  Perspectives on organization design and behavior , 1983 .

[122]  David A. Garvin,et al.  Quality Problems, Policies, and Attitudes in the United States and Japan: An Exploratory Study , 1986 .

[123]  Glenn S. Omura,et al.  Sourcing Strategies of European and Japanese Multinationals: A Comparison , 1989 .

[124]  John W. Clarr Cooperative Strategies in International Business , 1990 .

[125]  Mary B. Teagarden,et al.  The transfer of human resource management technology in Sino‐U.S. cooperative ventures: Problems and solutions , 1988 .

[126]  J. Daniels,et al.  U.S. Joint Ventures in China: Motivation and Management of Political Risk , 1985 .

[127]  S. Ghoshal Global strategy: An organizing framework , 1987 .

[128]  David B. Balkin,et al.  The Determinants of Managerial Satisfaction with the Expatriation and Repatriation Process , 1987 .

[129]  Host Country Managers of Multinational Firms: An Evaluation of Variables Affecting Their Managerial Thinking Patterns , 1980 .

[130]  Anant R. Negandhi,et al.  Management in the third world , 1983 .

[131]  C. R. Kennedy Political risk management: A portfolio planning model , 1988 .

[132]  Gad J. Selig A framework for multinational information systems planning , 1982, Inf. Manag..

[133]  J. K. Benson The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy , 1975 .

[134]  K. R. Harrigan Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy , 1985 .

[135]  K. Boulding General Systems Theory---The Skeleton of Science , 1956 .

[136]  J. Hennart,et al.  A transaction costs theory of equity joint ventures , 1988 .

[137]  Peter Lorange,et al.  Matching Strategy and Human Resources in Multinational Corporations , 1984 .

[138]  W. Barnes,et al.  Joint Venture Survival in Multinational Corporations. , 1973, American Journal of International Law.

[139]  Louis T. Wells,et al.  Bargaining Power of Multinationals and Host Governments , 1982 .

[140]  S. Schneider National vs. corporate culture: Implications for human resource management , 1988 .

[141]  D. Norburn Corporate Leaders in Britain and America: A Cross-National Analysis , 1987 .

[142]  D. Ondrack International Human-Resources Management in European and North-American Firms , 1985 .

[143]  A. Jaeger,et al.  The Transfer of Organizational Culture Overseas: An Approach to Control in the Multinational Corporation , 1983 .

[144]  Adrian B. Ryans Strategic Market Entry Factors and Market Share Achievement in Japan , 1988 .

[145]  M. Casson,et al.  The Economic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise , 1985 .

[146]  Comments on "The Productivity Battle: A Behavioral Science Analysis of Japan and the United States" , 1986 .

[147]  Thomas Poynter,et al.  Multinational Enterprises and Government Intervention , 1985 .

[148]  W. Powell Hybrid Organizational Arrangements: New Form or Transitional Development? , 1987 .


[150]  C. Bartlett,et al.  Managing Across Borders: New Organizational Responses , 1987 .

[151]  S. Kobrin Testing the bargaining hypothesis in the manufacturing sector in developing countries , 1987, International Organization.

[152]  Gad J. Selig Approaches to Strategic Planning for Information Resource Management (IRM) in Multinational Corporations , 1982, MIS Q..

[153]  Stephen Blank,et al.  The Assessment and Evaluation of Noneconomic Environments by American Firms: A Preliminary Report , 1980 .

[154]  Marshall W. Meyer,et al.  Power in Organizations. , 1982 .

[155]  James M. Hulbert,et al.  A Comparative Analysis of the Strategy and Structure of United States and Australian Corporations , 1987 .

[156]  M. Safizadeh,et al.  Sociopolitical Events and Foreign Direct In vestment: American In vestments in South and Central American Countries, 1950-1982 , 1988 .

[157]  Joseph E. Finnerty,et al.  The Valuation Impact of Joint Ventures , 1986 .

[158]  D. Sculli,et al.  Cross-cultural Factors in the Identification of Managerial Potential , 1987 .

[159]  Hideo Ishida,et al.  Transferability of Japanese Human Resource Management Abroad , 1986 .

[160]  Theodore T. Herbert,et al.  Strategy and Multinational Organization Structure: An Interorganizational Relationships Perspective , 1984 .

[161]  Michael Reiß,et al.  Diagnosis in management : a comparative analysis of approaches to management integration , 1987 .

[162]  C. Fombrun Strategies for Network Research in Organizations , 1982 .

[163]  C. Fombrun,et al.  Collective Strategy: Social Ecology of Organizational Environments. , 1983 .

[164]  Myron J. Roomkin Managers as employees : an international comparison of the changing character of managerial employment , 1989 .

[165]  Jay R. Galbraith,et al.  Organizing to implement strategies of diversity and globalization: The role of matrix designs , 1986 .

[166]  A. Jaeger,et al.  Organization Development and National Culture: Where's the Fit? , 1986 .

[167]  Susan Scott-Stevens Foreign consultants and counterparts : cross-cultural problems in the transfer of technical knowledge , 1986 .

[168]  R. Peterson,et al.  Sources of Management Problems in Japanese-American Joint Ventures , 1978 .

[169]  Robert E. Cole,et al.  Functional Alternatives and Economic Development: An Empirical Example of Permanent Employment in Japan , 1973 .

[170]  R. Bhagat,et al.  Role of subjective culture in organizations: A review and directions for future research. , 1982 .

[171]  Vladimir. Pucik,et al.  White collar human resource management : a comparison of the U.S. and Japanese automobile industries , 1984 .

[172]  William R. Fannin,et al.  National or global?—control vs flexibility , 1986 .

[173]  Malcolm Warner,et al.  Managing in different cultures , 1985 .

[174]  Y. Zeira,et al.  Present and Desired Methods of Selecting Expatriate Managers for International Assignments , 1984 .

[175]  Rosalie L. Tung Strategic management of human resources in the multinational enterprise , 1984 .

[176]  Rakesh B. Sambharya,et al.  Transborder data flows: Implications for multinational corporations , 1987 .

[177]  R. Hayes Restoring our competitive edge , 1984 .

[178]  W L Ulrich,et al.  HRM and culture: history, ritual, and myth. , 1984, Human resource management.

[179]  Daniel A. Ondrack,et al.  International Transfers of Managers in North American and European MNEs , 1985 .

[180]  J. Hennart,et al.  Can the “New Forms of Investment” Substitute for the “Old Forms?” A Transaction Costs Perspective , 1989 .

[181]  J. Killing,et al.  Strategies for joint venture success , 1983 .

[182]  A. Rugman Multinationals and Global Competitive Strategy , 1985 .

[183]  Kasra Ferdows,et al.  Managing international manufacturing , 1989 .

[184]  Hermann F. Schwind,et al.  A Comparative Study of Personnel Problems in International Companies and Joint Ventures in Japan , 1977 .

[185]  Dexter Dunphy,et al.  Convergence/Divergence: A Temporal Review of the Japanese Enterprise and Its Management , 1987 .

[186]  J. Daniels,et al.  Strategy and structure of U.S. multinationals: An exploratory study , 1984 .

[187]  C. Bartlett,et al.  Managing Across Borders: New Strategic Requirements , 1987 .

[188]  B. Kogut Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives , 1988 .

[189]  R. Brislin Cross-Cultural Encounters , 1981 .

[190]  Bruce Kogut,et al.  Research notes and communications a note on global strategies , 1989 .


[192]  William P. Darrow An International Comparison of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Technology , 1987 .

[193]  Nancy G. Dodd,et al.  Organizational Commitment: A Comparison of American, Japanese, and Korean Employees , 1985 .

[194]  J. D. L. Torre,et al.  Foreign Investment and Economic Development: Conflict and Negotiation , 1981 .

[195]  G. Hedlund The hypermodern MNC—A heterarchy? , 1986 .

[196]  Ghazi M. Habib Measures of Manifest Conflict in International Joint Ventures , 1987 .

[197]  Manuchehr Shahrokhi Reverse Licensing: International Technology Transfer to the United States , 1987 .

[198]  A. L. Calvet A Synthesis of Foreign Direct Investment Theories and Theories of the Multinational Firm , 1981 .

[199]  Briance Mascarenhas,et al.  The Coordination of Manufacturing Interdependence in Multinational Companies , 1984 .

[200]  The Management of the International Executive Compensation and Benefits Process , 1983 .

[201]  A. Coskun Samli Technology Transfer: Geographic, Economic, Cultural, and Technical Dimensions , 1985 .

[202]  V. Pucik,et al.  Strategic alliances, organizational learning, and competitive advantage: The HRM agenda , 1988 .

[203]  Arthur Winebrug The japanese patent system: a non‐tariff barrier to foreign businesses? , 1988 .

[204]  M. Bond,et al.  The Confucius connection: From cultural roots to economic growth , 1988 .

[205]  Kenichi Ohmae,et al.  Triad power : the coming shape of global competition , 1985 .

[206]  A. Laurent The cross-cultural puzzle of international human resource management , 1986 .

[207]  A. Jaeger The Appropriateness of Organization Development Outside North America , 1984 .

[208]  P. Lorange Human resource management in multinational cooperative ventures , 1986 .

[209]  U. Sekaran Mapping Bank Employee Perceptions of Organizational Stimuli in Two Countries , 1986 .

[210]  Jeremiah Sullivan,et al.  The Relationship Between Conflict Resolution Approaches and Trust—A Cross Cultural Study , 1981 .

[211]  J. Child Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice , 1972 .

[212]  Farok J. Contractor,et al.  Ownership Patterns of U.S. Joint Ventures Abroad and the Liberalization of Foreign Government Regulations in the 1980s: Evidence from the Benchmark Surveys , 1990 .

[213]  R. Polley Intervention and Cultural Context: Mediation in the US and Norway , 1988 .

[214]  Timo J. Santalainen,et al.  Some Evidence for the Cultural Relativity of Organizational Development Programs , 1984 .

[215]  C. Lengnick-Hall,et al.  Strategic Human Resources Management: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Typology , 1988 .

[216]  James Leontiales,et al.  Going global—Global strategies vs national strategies , 1986 .

[217]  William Diebold,et al.  The European Multinationals , 1977 .

[218]  Steven Wright Manufacturing strategy: Defining the missing link , 1984 .

[219]  O. Shenkar,et al.  International Joint Ventures: Implications for Organisation Development , 1987 .

[220]  Marjorie A. Lyles Learning among joint venture sophisticated firms , 1987 .

[221]  Uma Sekaran,et al.  Methodological and Theoretical Issues and Advancements in Cross-Cultural Research , 1983 .

[222]  Yves L. Doz,et al.  Technology Partnerships between Larger and Smaller Firms: Some Critical Issues , 1987 .

[223]  Farok J. Contractor,et al.  International Technology Transfer: Major Issues and Policy Responses , 1981 .

[224]  David Cray,et al.  Control and Coordination in Multinational Corporations , 1984 .

[225]  R. Goodman,et al.  Strategic alliances in global technological competition: cases of computers and telecommunications industries , 1987 .

[226]  Peter J. Dowling,et al.  Nationality and Work Attitudes: A Study of Australian and American Business Majors , 1986 .

[227]  Mary Anne Devanna,et al.  Strategic Human Resource Management , 1984 .

[228]  W. C. Kim,et al.  The effects of competition and corporate political responsiveness on multinational bargaining power , 1988 .

[229]  Arnoud De Meyer,et al.  Managerial Focal Points in Manufacturing Strategy , 1987 .

[230]  J. M. Geringer,et al.  Control and Performance of International Joint Ventures , 1989 .

[231]  S. Kobrin Expatriate reduction and strategic control in American multinational corporations , 1988 .

[232]  S. Sethi,et al.  Political Risk Analysis and Direct Foreign Investment: Some Problems of Definition and Measurement , 1986 .


[234]  Mark E. Mendenhall,et al.  The Dimensions of Expatriate Acculturation: A Review , 1985 .

[235]  Geert Hofstede,et al.  The Applicability of McGregor's Theories in South East Asia , 1987 .

[236]  A. Laurent The Cultural Diversity of Western Conceptions of Management , 1983 .

[237]  G EgelhoffW,et al.  多国籍企業における戦略と構造 ストップフォード・ウェルズ・モデルの修正 , 1988 .

[238]  John Child,et al.  Theoretical Perspectives in Crossnational Organizational Research , 1982 .

[239]  Michel Ghertman,et al.  Foreign Subsidiary and Parents' Roles During Strategic Investment and Divestment Decisions , 1988 .

[240]  John L. Graham,et al.  The Influence of Culture on the Process of Business Negotiations: An Exploratory Study , 1985 .

[241]  Christer Jönsson,et al.  Interorganization Theory and International Organization , 1986 .

[242]  A. Heskin,et al.  Learning about Bilingual, Multicultural Organizing , 1986 .

[243]  K. Weick The social psychology of organizing , 1969 .

[244]  Nancy J. Adler,et al.  Women do not want international careers: And other myths about international management , 1984 .

[245]  P. Christopher Earley,et al.  Intercultural training for managers: A comparison of documentary and interpersonal methods , 1987 .

[246]  A. Jacquemin European industry : public policy and corporate strategy , 1985 .

[247]  Brian Toyne,et al.  International Exchange: A Foundation for Theory Building in International Business , 1989 .

[248]  G. Hedlund Organization in-Between: The Evolution of the Mother-Daughter Structure of Managing Foreign Subsidiaries in Swedish MNCS , 1984 .

[249]  W. Davidson,et al.  Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode , 1985 .

[250]  A. Negandhi,et al.  International Strategic Management , 1989 .

[251]  John H. Dunning,et al.  International production and the multinational enterprise , 1981 .

[252]  Yves L. Doz,et al.  Patterns of Strategic Control Within Multinational Corporations , 1984 .

[253]  D. Lecraw Bargaining Power, Ownership, and Profitability of Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries , 1984 .

[254]  Bruce Kogut,et al.  Normative Observations on the International Value-Added Chain and Strategic Groups , 1984 .

[255]  S. Samiee Transnational Data Flow Constraints: A New Challenge for Multinational Corporations , 1984 .

[256]  Robert Doktor,et al.  From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century: Cross-Cultural Management Reviewed , 1986 .

[257]  Itzhak Harpaz The Importance of Work Goals: An International Perspective , 1990 .

[258]  Richard W. Beatty,et al.  A Policy-Capturing Approach to the Study of United States and Japanese Managers' Compensation Decisions , 1988 .