Recent Developments in International Management Research
[1] Y. Zeira,et al. Selection of Expatriate Managers in MNCs: The Host-Environment Point of View , 1985 .
[2] Rosalie L. Tung. Human Resource Planning in Japanese Multinationals: A Model for U.S. Firms? , 1984 .
[3] A. Rugman. Internalization as a General Theory of Foreign Direct Investment , 1985 .
[4] Jeffrey S. Arpan,et al. The International Competitiveness of the U.S. Textile Mill Products Industry: Corporate Strategies for the Future , 1984 .
[5] Nancy J. Adler,et al. Cross-Cultural Management Research: The Ostrich and the Trend. , 1983 .
[6] L. Bourgeois. On the Measurement of Organizational Slack , 1981 .
[7] G. Hofstede. The Cultural Relativity of the Quality of Life Concept , 1984 .
[8] Roderick E. White,et al. The Strategies of Foreign Subsidiaries: Responses to Organizational Slack , 1984 .
[9] David A. Ricks,et al. Multinational Parent Companies’ Influence over Human Resource Decisions of Affiliates: U.S. Firms in Mexico , 1989 .
[10] Michael E. Porter,et al. Patterns of International Coalition Activity , 1986 .
[11] W. C. Kim,et al. Developing a global diversification measure , 1989 .
[12] K. R. Harrigan. Strategies for joint ventures , 1985 .
[13] Kenneth D. Ramsing,et al. Manufacturing in the corporate strategy , 1979 .
[14] C. Galbraith,et al. Towards a Theory of Multinational Enterprise , 1986 .
[15] Jean-Louis Schaan,et al. Parent Control And Joint Venture Success: The Case Of Mexico , 1983 .
[16] A. Negandhi. Comparative Management and Organization Theory: A Marriage Needed , 1975 .
[17] M. Fitzpatrick. The Definition and Assessment of Political Risk in International Business: A Review of the Literature , 1983 .
[18] Howard E. Aldrich,et al. Organization-Sets, Action-Sets, and Networks: Making the Most of Simplicity , 1981 .
[19] M. Casson. Multinationals and World Trade: Vertical Integration and the Division of Labour in World Industries , 1986 .
[20] Mariann Jelinek,et al. Is “organization culture” culture bound? , 1986 .
[21] N. Adler,et al. Women in Management Worldwide , 1988 .
[22] Anant R. Negandhi,et al. Cross-Cultural Management Research: Trend and Future Directions , 1983 .
[23] M. Porter. Competition in Global Industries , 1986 .
[24] R. Osborn,et al. Handbook of Organizational Design. Vol. 1: Adapting Organizations to Their Environments. , 1982 .
[25] M. Brooke,et al. The strategy of multinational enterprise , 1970 .
[26] J. Alex Murray. Intelligence systems of the mncs , 1973 .
[27] J. Jarillo,et al. The Evolution of Research on Coordination Mechanisms in Multinational Corporations , 1989 .
[28] Anant R. Negandhi,et al. The Management Practices of Japanese Subsidiaries Overseas , 1985 .
[29] A. Rugman,et al. New Theories of the Multinational Enterprise , 1983 .
[30] Mark E. Mendenhall,et al. Expatriate Selection, Training and Career‐Pathing: A Review and Critique , 1987 .
[31] C. R. Dexter. Cooperation and Competition in the Global Economy: Issues and Strategies , 1990 .
[32] Benjamin Gomes-Casseres,et al. Ownership structures of foreign subsidiaries : Theory and evidence , 1989 .
[33] J. L. Torre,et al. Cross-National Managerial Interaction: A Conceptual Model , 1978 .
[34] J. Sullivan. Human Nature, Organizations, and Management Theory , 1986 .
[35] David J. Lemak,et al. A strategic contingency model of multinational corporate structure , 1988 .
[36] F. Contractor. Licensing in International Strategy: A Guide for Planning and Negotiations , 1985 .
[37] J. Pfeffer. Size and Composition of Corporate Boards of Directors: The Organization and its Environment , 1972 .
[38] C. K. Prahalad,et al. Controlled variety: A challenge for human resource management in the MNC , 1986 .
[39] L. J. Bourgeois,et al. Strategic Management and Determinism , 1984 .
[40] Louis T. Wells,et al. Managing the multinational enterprise , 1972 .
[41] J. Johanson,et al. Internationalisation in Industrial Systems — A Network Approach , 1988 .
[42] A. Rugman,et al. Inside The Multinationals , 1981 .
[43] Paul W. Beamish,et al. Equity Joint Ventures and the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise , 1987 .
[44] William G. Egelhoff. Patterns of Control in U.S., UK and European Multinational Corporations , 1984 .
[45] Claudio R. Frischtak,et al. International Technology Transfer: Concepts, Measures, and Comparisons , 1985 .
[47] Briance Mascarenhas,et al. Country-Risk Assessment System in Banks: Patterns and Performance , 1985 .
[48] G. Hofstede. The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories , 1983 .
[49] Shirley J. Daniel,et al. Japan vs. Silicon Valley: Quality-Cost Trade-Off Philosophies , 1990 .
[50] Geoffrey Jones,et al. Multinationals : theory and history , 1988 .
[51] David A. Ricks. International Business Research: Past, Present and Future , 1985 .
[52] Briance Mascarenhas. STRATEGIC GROUP DYNAMICS , 1989 .
[53] Jang-Sub Lee. Strategic choice, foreign involvement, and firm performance , 1986 .
[54] Henrik Schmiegelow,et al. Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory , 1989 .
[55] H. Thorelli. Networks: Between Markets and Hierarchies , 1986 .
[56] J. Boddewyn. Political Aspects of MNE Theory , 1988 .
[57] Nancy J. Adler,et al. Cross-Cultural Interaction: The International Comparison Fallacy? , 1989 .
[58] David A. Ricks,et al. Is Transnational Data Flow Regulation a Problem? , 1988 .
[59] O. Shenkar,et al. Clustering Countries on Attitudinal Dimensions: A Review and Synthesis , 1985 .
[60] V. Pucik,et al. Information, control, and human resource management in multinational firms , 1986 .
[61] O. Shenkar,et al. The Cultural Context of Negotiations: The Implications of Chinese Interpersonal Norms , 1987 .
[62] Jan Monkiewicz. International Technology Flows and the Technology Gap , 1989 .
[63] R. Caves,et al. World Trade and Payments , 1992 .
[64] N. Adler. A Typology of Management Studies Involving Culture , 1983 .
[65] Yui Kimura. Firm-Specific Strategic Advantages and Foreign Direct Investment Behavior of Firms: The Case of Japanese Semiconductor Firms , 1989 .
[66] Kathryn Rudie Harrigan,et al. Matching vertical integration strategies to competitive conditions , 1986 .
[68] Ben L. Kedia,et al. Cultural Constraints on Transfer of Technology Across Nations: Implications for Research in International and Comparative Management , 1988 .
[69] J. Stewart Black,et al. Work Role Transitions: A Study of American Expatriate Managers in Japan , 1988 .
[70] Jeffrey Pfeffer,et al. Merger as a response to organizational interdependence , 1972 .
[71] Briance Mascarenhas. International Strategies of Non-Dominant Firms , 1986 .
[72] Yoram Zeira,et al. Human Resources Management in International Joint Ventures: Directions for Research , 1987 .
[73] W. A. Spivey,et al. Global management: Concepts, themes, problems, and research issues , 1990 .
[74] P. Earley,et al. Trust, Perceived Importance of Praise and Criticism, and Work Performance: An Examination of Feedback in the United States and England , 1986 .
[75] Steven Leslie Mandell. Multinational corporate computer-based information systems and the parent-subsidiary interface. , 1975 .
[76] R. R. Blake,et al. The Productivity Battle: A Behavioral Science Analysis of apan and the United States , 1984 .
[77] Torbjörn Stjernberg,et al. The Change Process of Innovative Work Designs: New Design and Redesign in Sweden, Canada, and the U.S. , 1986 .
[78] Shifting Personal Values in the Japanese Management System , 1985 .
[79] B. Borys,et al. Hybrid Arrangements as Strategic Alliances: Theoretical Issues in Organizational Combinations , 1989 .
[80] Peter J. Buckley,et al. The Growth of International Business. , 1983 .
[81] T. Poynter. Government Intervention in Less Developed Countries: The Experience of Multinational Companies , 1982 .
[82] J. Stewart Black,et al. Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness: A Review and a Theoretical Framework for Future Research , 1990 .
[83] Jay R. Galbraith,et al. Strategy implementation : structure, systems, and process , 1986 .
[84] A. Jaeger,et al. Multinational Corporations: Control Systems and Delegation Issues , 1984 .
[86] Thomas E. Vollmann,et al. Evolving Global Manufacturing Strategies: Projections into the 1990s , 1986 .
[87] P. Berg. Symbolic management of human resources , 1986 .
[88] Harbir Singh,et al. The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode , 1988 .
[89] D. Lessard. International financial management: Theory and application , 1985 .
[90] Alan M. Rugman. International business in Canada : strategies for management , 1989 .
[91] I. Vertinsky,et al. Does Culture Matter? A Cross-Cultural Study of Executives’ Choice, Decisiveness, and Risk Adjustment in International Marketing , 1988 .
[92] M. Brooke. Managing Political Risk Assessment , 1983 .
[93] Balaji S. Chakravarthy,et al. Strategic planning for a global business , 1986 .
[94] D. Nigh,et al. The Effect of Political Events on United States Direct Foreign Investment: A Pooled Time-Series Cross-Sectional Analysis , 1985 .
[95] M. Casson,et al. The future of the multinational enterprise , 1977 .
[96] James D. Thompson. Organizations in Action , 1967 .
[97] Young-Kon Kim. Strategic competition in negotiations of international technology licensing : the informational interaction view , 1988 .
[98] G. W. England,et al. Some Methodological and Analytic Considerations in Cross-National Comparative Research , 1983 .
[99] Marietta J. Tretter,et al. Organizing for Dual Strategies of Product Diversity and International Expansion , 1985 .
[100] Liam Fahey,et al. Evaluating the Research on Strategy Content , 1986 .
[101] J. Jarillo. On strategic networks , 1988 .
[102] Y. Zeira,et al. Selecting Managers for Foreign Assignments , 1987 .
[103] Sumantra Ghoshal,et al. Organizing for Worldwide Effectiveness: The Transnational Solution , 1988 .
[104] J. Dunning. The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions , 1988 .
[105] V. Srinivasan,et al. Payments Netting in International Cash Management: A Network Optimization Approach , 1986 .
[106] Luis R. Gomez-Mejia,et al. Effect of Occupation on Task Related, Contextual and Job Involvement Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective , 1984 .
[107] William Diebold,et al. U.S. competitiveness in the world economy , 1985 .
[108] Jeffrey Pfeffer,et al. Joint Ventures and Interorganizational Interdependence , 1976 .
[109] R. Vernon. International investment and international trade in the product cycle , 1966 .
[110] D. Mowery. International collaborative ventures in U.S. manufacturing , 1988 .
[111] C. Bartlett,et al. Creation, Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations by Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations , 1988 .
[112] B. Guile,et al. Technology and global industry : companies and nations in the world economy , 1987 .
[113] Richard N. Farmer,et al. COMPARATIVE management and economic progress , 1966 .
[114] C. K. Prahalad,et al. Do you really have a global strategy , 1985 .
[115] William G. Egelhoff,et al. Centralization in Headquarters–Subsidiary Relationships , 1986 .
[116] Paul Shrivastava,et al. Learning structures for top management , 1986 .
[117] A. Whatley,et al. Assessing the Effects of Culture on Managerial Attitudes: A Three-Culture Test , 1987 .
[118] Peter Hwang,et al. Global diversification strategy and corporate profit performance , 1989 .
[119] Michael E. Porter,et al. Changing Patterns of International Competition , 1986 .
[120] J. Dunning. Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests , 1980 .
[121] A. V. D. Ven,et al. Perspectives on organization design and behavior , 1983 .
[122] David A. Garvin,et al. Quality Problems, Policies, and Attitudes in the United States and Japan: An Exploratory Study , 1986 .
[123] Glenn S. Omura,et al. Sourcing Strategies of European and Japanese Multinationals: A Comparison , 1989 .
[124] John W. Clarr. Cooperative Strategies in International Business , 1990 .
[125] Mary B. Teagarden,et al. The transfer of human resource management technology in Sino‐U.S. cooperative ventures: Problems and solutions , 1988 .
[126] J. Daniels,et al. U.S. Joint Ventures in China: Motivation and Management of Political Risk , 1985 .
[127] S. Ghoshal. Global strategy: An organizing framework , 1987 .
[128] David B. Balkin,et al. The Determinants of Managerial Satisfaction with the Expatriation and Repatriation Process , 1987 .
[129] Host Country Managers of Multinational Firms: An Evaluation of Variables Affecting Their Managerial Thinking Patterns , 1980 .
[130] Anant R. Negandhi,et al. Management in the third world , 1983 .
[131] C. R. Kennedy. Political risk management: A portfolio planning model , 1988 .
[132] Gad J. Selig. A framework for multinational information systems planning , 1982, Inf. Manag..
[133] J. K. Benson. The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy , 1975 .
[134] K. R. Harrigan. Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy , 1985 .
[135] K. Boulding. General Systems Theory---The Skeleton of Science , 1956 .
[136] J. Hennart,et al. A transaction costs theory of equity joint ventures , 1988 .
[137] Peter Lorange,et al. Matching Strategy and Human Resources in Multinational Corporations , 1984 .
[138] W. Barnes,et al. Joint Venture Survival in Multinational Corporations. , 1973, American Journal of International Law.
[139] Louis T. Wells,et al. Bargaining Power of Multinationals and Host Governments , 1982 .
[140] S. Schneider. National vs. corporate culture: Implications for human resource management , 1988 .
[141] D. Norburn. Corporate Leaders in Britain and America: A Cross-National Analysis , 1987 .
[142] D. Ondrack. International Human-Resources Management in European and North-American Firms , 1985 .
[143] A. Jaeger,et al. The Transfer of Organizational Culture Overseas: An Approach to Control in the Multinational Corporation , 1983 .
[144] Adrian B. Ryans. Strategic Market Entry Factors and Market Share Achievement in Japan , 1988 .
[145] M. Casson,et al. The Economic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise , 1985 .
[146] Comments on "The Productivity Battle: A Behavioral Science Analysis of Japan and the United States" , 1986 .
[147] Thomas Poynter,et al. Multinational Enterprises and Government Intervention , 1985 .
[148] W. Powell. Hybrid Organizational Arrangements: New Form or Transitional Development? , 1987 .
[150] C. Bartlett,et al. Managing Across Borders: New Organizational Responses , 1987 .
[151] S. Kobrin. Testing the bargaining hypothesis in the manufacturing sector in developing countries , 1987, International Organization.
[152] Gad J. Selig. Approaches to Strategic Planning for Information Resource Management (IRM) in Multinational Corporations , 1982, MIS Q..
[153] Stephen Blank,et al. The Assessment and Evaluation of Noneconomic Environments by American Firms: A Preliminary Report , 1980 .
[154] Marshall W. Meyer,et al. Power in Organizations. , 1982 .
[155] James M. Hulbert,et al. A Comparative Analysis of the Strategy and Structure of United States and Australian Corporations , 1987 .
[156] M. Safizadeh,et al. Sociopolitical Events and Foreign Direct In vestment: American In vestments in South and Central American Countries, 1950-1982 , 1988 .
[157] Joseph E. Finnerty,et al. The Valuation Impact of Joint Ventures , 1986 .
[158] D. Sculli,et al. Cross-cultural Factors in the Identification of Managerial Potential , 1987 .
[159] Hideo Ishida,et al. Transferability of Japanese Human Resource Management Abroad , 1986 .
[160] Theodore T. Herbert,et al. Strategy and Multinational Organization Structure: An Interorganizational Relationships Perspective , 1984 .
[161] Michael Reiß,et al. Diagnosis in management : a comparative analysis of approaches to management integration , 1987 .
[162] C. Fombrun. Strategies for Network Research in Organizations , 1982 .
[163] C. Fombrun,et al. Collective Strategy: Social Ecology of Organizational Environments. , 1983 .
[164] Myron J. Roomkin. Managers as employees : an international comparison of the changing character of managerial employment , 1989 .
[165] Jay R. Galbraith,et al. Organizing to implement strategies of diversity and globalization: The role of matrix designs , 1986 .
[166] A. Jaeger,et al. Organization Development and National Culture: Where's the Fit? , 1986 .
[167] Susan Scott-Stevens. Foreign consultants and counterparts : cross-cultural problems in the transfer of technical knowledge , 1986 .
[168] R. Peterson,et al. Sources of Management Problems in Japanese-American Joint Ventures , 1978 .
[169] Robert E. Cole,et al. Functional Alternatives and Economic Development: An Empirical Example of Permanent Employment in Japan , 1973 .
[170] R. Bhagat,et al. Role of subjective culture in organizations: A review and directions for future research. , 1982 .
[171] Vladimir. Pucik,et al. White collar human resource management : a comparison of the U.S. and Japanese automobile industries , 1984 .
[172] William R. Fannin,et al. National or global?—control vs flexibility , 1986 .
[173] Malcolm Warner,et al. Managing in different cultures , 1985 .
[174] Y. Zeira,et al. Present and Desired Methods of Selecting Expatriate Managers for International Assignments , 1984 .
[175] Rosalie L. Tung. Strategic management of human resources in the multinational enterprise , 1984 .
[176] Rakesh B. Sambharya,et al. Transborder data flows: Implications for multinational corporations , 1987 .
[177] R. Hayes. Restoring our competitive edge , 1984 .
[178] W L Ulrich,et al. HRM and culture: history, ritual, and myth. , 1984, Human resource management.
[179] Daniel A. Ondrack,et al. International Transfers of Managers in North American and European MNEs , 1985 .
[180] J. Hennart,et al. Can the “New Forms of Investment” Substitute for the “Old Forms?” A Transaction Costs Perspective , 1989 .
[181] J. Killing,et al. Strategies for joint venture success , 1983 .
[182] A. Rugman. Multinationals and Global Competitive Strategy , 1985 .
[183] Kasra Ferdows,et al. Managing international manufacturing , 1989 .
[184] Hermann F. Schwind,et al. A Comparative Study of Personnel Problems in International Companies and Joint Ventures in Japan , 1977 .
[185] Dexter Dunphy,et al. Convergence/Divergence: A Temporal Review of the Japanese Enterprise and Its Management , 1987 .
[186] J. Daniels,et al. Strategy and structure of U.S. multinationals: An exploratory study , 1984 .
[187] C. Bartlett,et al. Managing Across Borders: New Strategic Requirements , 1987 .
[188] B. Kogut. Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives , 1988 .
[189] R. Brislin. Cross-Cultural Encounters , 1981 .
[190] Bruce Kogut,et al. Research notes and communications a note on global strategies , 1989 .
[192] William P. Darrow. An International Comparison of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Technology , 1987 .
[193] Nancy G. Dodd,et al. Organizational Commitment: A Comparison of American, Japanese, and Korean Employees , 1985 .
[194] J. D. L. Torre,et al. Foreign Investment and Economic Development: Conflict and Negotiation , 1981 .
[195] G. Hedlund. The hypermodern MNC—A heterarchy? , 1986 .
[196] Ghazi M. Habib. Measures of Manifest Conflict in International Joint Ventures , 1987 .
[197] Manuchehr Shahrokhi. Reverse Licensing: International Technology Transfer to the United States , 1987 .
[198] A. L. Calvet. A Synthesis of Foreign Direct Investment Theories and Theories of the Multinational Firm , 1981 .
[199] Briance Mascarenhas,et al. The Coordination of Manufacturing Interdependence in Multinational Companies , 1984 .
[200] The Management of the International Executive Compensation and Benefits Process , 1983 .
[201] A. Coskun Samli. Technology Transfer: Geographic, Economic, Cultural, and Technical Dimensions , 1985 .
[202] V. Pucik,et al. Strategic alliances, organizational learning, and competitive advantage: The HRM agenda , 1988 .
[203] Arthur Winebrug. The japanese patent system: a non‐tariff barrier to foreign businesses? , 1988 .
[204] M. Bond,et al. The Confucius connection: From cultural roots to economic growth , 1988 .
[205] Kenichi Ohmae,et al. Triad power : the coming shape of global competition , 1985 .
[206] A. Laurent. The cross-cultural puzzle of international human resource management , 1986 .
[207] A. Jaeger. The Appropriateness of Organization Development Outside North America , 1984 .
[208] P. Lorange. Human resource management in multinational cooperative ventures , 1986 .
[209] U. Sekaran. Mapping Bank Employee Perceptions of Organizational Stimuli in Two Countries , 1986 .
[210] Jeremiah Sullivan,et al. The Relationship Between Conflict Resolution Approaches and Trust—A Cross Cultural Study , 1981 .
[211] J. Child. Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice , 1972 .
[212] Farok J. Contractor,et al. Ownership Patterns of U.S. Joint Ventures Abroad and the Liberalization of Foreign Government Regulations in the 1980s: Evidence from the Benchmark Surveys , 1990 .
[213] R. Polley. Intervention and Cultural Context: Mediation in the US and Norway , 1988 .
[214] Timo J. Santalainen,et al. Some Evidence for the Cultural Relativity of Organizational Development Programs , 1984 .
[215] C. Lengnick-Hall,et al. Strategic Human Resources Management: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Typology , 1988 .
[216] James Leontiales,et al. Going global—Global strategies vs national strategies , 1986 .
[217] William Diebold,et al. The European Multinationals , 1977 .
[218] Steven Wright. Manufacturing strategy: Defining the missing link , 1984 .
[219] O. Shenkar,et al. International Joint Ventures: Implications for Organisation Development , 1987 .
[220] Marjorie A. Lyles. Learning among joint venture sophisticated firms , 1987 .
[221] Uma Sekaran,et al. Methodological and Theoretical Issues and Advancements in Cross-Cultural Research , 1983 .
[222] Yves L. Doz,et al. Technology Partnerships between Larger and Smaller Firms: Some Critical Issues , 1987 .
[223] Farok J. Contractor,et al. International Technology Transfer: Major Issues and Policy Responses , 1981 .
[224] David Cray,et al. Control and Coordination in Multinational Corporations , 1984 .
[225] R. Goodman,et al. Strategic alliances in global technological competition: cases of computers and telecommunications industries , 1987 .
[226] Peter J. Dowling,et al. Nationality and Work Attitudes: A Study of Australian and American Business Majors , 1986 .
[227] Mary Anne Devanna,et al. Strategic Human Resource Management , 1984 .
[228] W. C. Kim,et al. The effects of competition and corporate political responsiveness on multinational bargaining power , 1988 .
[229] Arnoud De Meyer,et al. Managerial Focal Points in Manufacturing Strategy , 1987 .
[230] J. M. Geringer,et al. Control and Performance of International Joint Ventures , 1989 .
[231] S. Kobrin. Expatriate reduction and strategic control in American multinational corporations , 1988 .
[232] S. Sethi,et al. Political Risk Analysis and Direct Foreign Investment: Some Problems of Definition and Measurement , 1986 .
[234] Mark E. Mendenhall,et al. The Dimensions of Expatriate Acculturation: A Review , 1985 .
[235] Geert Hofstede,et al. The Applicability of McGregor's Theories in South East Asia , 1987 .
[236] A. Laurent. The Cultural Diversity of Western Conceptions of Management , 1983 .
[237] G EgelhoffW,et al. 多国籍企業における戦略と構造 ストップフォード・ウェルズ・モデルの修正 , 1988 .
[238] John Child,et al. Theoretical Perspectives in Crossnational Organizational Research , 1982 .
[239] Michel Ghertman,et al. Foreign Subsidiary and Parents' Roles During Strategic Investment and Divestment Decisions , 1988 .
[240] John L. Graham,et al. The Influence of Culture on the Process of Business Negotiations: An Exploratory Study , 1985 .
[241] Christer Jönsson,et al. Interorganization Theory and International Organization , 1986 .
[242] A. Heskin,et al. Learning about Bilingual, Multicultural Organizing , 1986 .
[243] K. Weick. The social psychology of organizing , 1969 .
[244] Nancy J. Adler,et al. Women do not want international careers: And other myths about international management , 1984 .
[245] P. Christopher Earley,et al. Intercultural training for managers: A comparison of documentary and interpersonal methods , 1987 .
[246] A. Jacquemin. European industry : public policy and corporate strategy , 1985 .
[247] Brian Toyne,et al. International Exchange: A Foundation for Theory Building in International Business , 1989 .
[248] G. Hedlund. Organization in-Between: The Evolution of the Mother-Daughter Structure of Managing Foreign Subsidiaries in Swedish MNCS , 1984 .
[249] W. Davidson,et al. Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode , 1985 .
[250] A. Negandhi,et al. International Strategic Management , 1989 .
[251] John H. Dunning,et al. International production and the multinational enterprise , 1981 .
[252] Yves L. Doz,et al. Patterns of Strategic Control Within Multinational Corporations , 1984 .
[253] D. Lecraw. Bargaining Power, Ownership, and Profitability of Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries , 1984 .
[254] Bruce Kogut,et al. Normative Observations on the International Value-Added Chain and Strategic Groups , 1984 .
[255] S. Samiee. Transnational Data Flow Constraints: A New Challenge for Multinational Corporations , 1984 .
[256] Robert Doktor,et al. From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century: Cross-Cultural Management Reviewed , 1986 .
[257] Itzhak Harpaz. The Importance of Work Goals: An International Perspective , 1990 .
[258] Richard W. Beatty,et al. A Policy-Capturing Approach to the Study of United States and Japanese Managers' Compensation Decisions , 1988 .