Combustion of Pulverized Coal in Experimental Furnace

Synopsis : A fundamental investigation on combustion of pulverized coal has been carried out by using a vertical experimental furnace. (1) In this furnace, low secondary air velocity and low air ratio give insufficient mixing degree of pul verized coal and air. Consequently, experiments are carried out under the condition that the combustion rate is not influenced by the mixing process. (2) The combustion rate becomes higher with increase of volatile matter content of coal and with de crease of its particle size. (3) From the analysis of experimental results by one dimensional combustion model, the reaction rate constant of Lithgow coal is expressed as follows : ks = 3.3 × 104 exp ( 24500 / RT ) (4) The combustion behavior of pulverized coal in the raceway of blast furnace is estimated by a sim ulation model.