Musical soundscapes for an Accessible Aquarium: Bringing Dynamic Exhibits to the Visually Impaired

In an effort to make an aquarium, zoo, or other dynamic “informal learning environment” more accessible to the visually impaired, we track the fish (and other creatures) with computer vision, then use the movement data to create meaningful and aesthetic music. Here we present four new classes of “soundscapes”, which demonstrate a range of data-to-music mapping approaches. This follows on the initial prototype work, discussed previously. A systematic exploration of the possible composition and design space is leading to music that communicates the dynamic aspects of the exhibit (e.g., how many fish, what kinds, where they are, what they are doing), as well as conveying the emotional content (e.g., amazement and wonder at the massive whale shark gliding by). Informal evaluations have been very successful; formal evaluations are ongoing.