Effects of Instruction on Time Spent Reading and Reading Attitudes.

A study investigated the relationship between type of reading instruction (whole language or basal), and (1) time'spent engaged in authentic reading activities and (2) reading attitudes as measured by the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS). Subjects, 23 students from a blended first/second grade whole language classroom in a suburban district and 18 students from a traditional second grade classroom in a more rural area participated in the study. McKenna and Kear's ERAS was administered and the mean scores on academic recreation and the total means were analyzed using a t-test. Results showed no significant difference in academic attitude between the two classrooms; however, the recreational scores were slightly higher in the whole language classroom. The researchers also gathered observational data on the amount of time each class spent engaged in authentic (as defined by researchers) reading and writing. The whole language class spent significantly more time on these tasks. The attitude survey results were consistent with previous studies which showed that recreational scores are higher in whole language classrooms. Contains three tables of data and 10 references. (Author/SR) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Effects of Instruction on Time Spent Reading and Reading Attitudes PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY )La TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Jennifer Dale Kirsten Radell U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C.0 Hese,,,Ind Ismrvovnrnent EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received Irem Ine person or organization originating it ID Minor changes have been made to wnprove reproduction quality Po.nts ol view or opinions slated in this document do nut necessarily represent ollnul OF RI posrtion Or pOltCy