The Heavy Vehicle Simulator in Accelerated Pavement Testing–A Historical Overview and New Developments

The aim of this paper is twofold. The first aim is to provide a brief description of the technological developments involved in the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) accelerated pavement testing equipment. This covers the period from conception in the late 1960s, to the current state-of-the art HVS Mk-IV+, the HVS-A Mk-V, as well as the new HVS Mk VI. Secondly, an overview of the research performed by the various accelerated testing programs currently using the HVS as their accelerated testing tool is provided. The overview will focus on experience in South Africa, the country in which the HVS was developed. Brief descriptions of HVS research and summaries from other programs worldwide are also provided. These include the Partnered Pavement Research Center (California), the U.S Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center (CRREL and WES), the Swedish and Finnish HVS-Nordic program, and the Florida DOT HVS test programs.