T2 mapping of the heart with high temporal and spatial resolution using a radial double inversion fast spin-echo pulse sequence with view sharing

Summary A double inversion radial fast spin echo (DIR-RADFSE) has been developed to obtain T2 maps of the heart with high-temporal and spatial resolution from data acquired in as ingle breath hold. The method allows for the quantitative assessment of inflammation in the heart. Background While DE imaging is considered a gold standard in the evaluation of myocardial scar/viability in patients with old MI or cardiomyopathy, a few recent publications demonstrate a higher diagnostic sensitivity of T2weighted techniques in patients with Non-STEMI and myocarditis where changes in T2-weighting are due to inflammation in the myocardium leading to edema (Abdel-Aty H, JACC 53:1194, 2009; Tilak GS, Invest