Rocky Land Desertification and Its Controlling Measurements in the Karst Mountainous Region,Southwest of China

Desertification is an environmental geological disaster in the Southwest of China.This paper stated the current distribution of rocky desertification :the area of rocky desertification amounts to 1.051×10~5km~2,20% of the total area of the Southwest karst mountain region,specially in GuiZhou and GuangXi.Taking Guizhou Province as an Example,we analyzed the causes and mechanism of rocky desertification from the following eight aspects: weathering resistance of carbonate rock,soil-forming process from carbonate rock,surface structures of karst landforms,boundary face in karst soil profile,calciferous environment,overloaded pressure of population and backward farming methods.The natural conditions in karst region is the internal cause and unreasonable human being activities(such as overloaded pressure of population,backward farming methods,cultivated along mountain slope,etc..) are external factors for the rocky desertification in the Southwest karst regions of China.Finally we putted forward eight proposals to control rocky desertification.