Response to \Slid Pairs in Salsa20 and Trivium"
The paper \Slid Pairs in Salsa20 and Trivium" by Priemuth-Schmid and Biryukov states various \attacks" on Salsa20 and Trivium. The paper claims that \Salsa20 does not have 256-bit security," that its \attacks" demonstrate a \certicational weakness" in Salsa20, that \it is crucial for the security of Salsa20 that nonces are chosen at random," that the \attacks" can be \exploited in certain scenarios," etc. These claims are entirely without merit. The \attacks" on Salsa20 are vastly more expensive than the standard brute-force attacks discussed in the original Salsa20 documentation. (I haven’t looked at the \attacks" on Trivium.) Specically, the best \attack" in the paper receives ciphertexts from 2 191