Synthesis and tensile properties of a novel composite of Chlorella and polyethylene

ABSTRACT: A novel composite of the green microalga Chlorella sp. with polyethylene (PE) was synthesizedthrough chemical modification of PE with maleic anhydride(MA), with respect to the biological fixation of CO 2 with Chlorella sp. The interaction of Chlorella grains with a PEmatrix is strikingly enhanced by the chemical modificationof PE with MA. The tensile strength of a Chlorella –MA-modified PE composite (Ch–MPE) with a Chlorella content of40 wt % is more than 2 times greater than that of a compositederived from unmodified PE. The marked increase in tensilestrength is attributed to the formation of chemical bondsbetween Chlorella grains and the PE matrix, from IR andSEM studies. Because of the satisfactory thermal plasticity ofCh–MPE, it can be easily shaped into plate and dishlikemoldings by a heat-pressurizing method. © 2004 Wiley Peri-odicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 812–816, 2004 Key words: Chlorella ; maleic anhydride; polyethylene (PE);composites; tensile properties INTRODUCTION