The effects of small periodic disturbances on the response of a two-degree-of-freedom, nonconservative mechanical system are analyzed. The system is a simple model for panel flutter. The disturbance simulates the pressure fluctuations of a turbulent boundary layer on the panel. Asymptotic expansions of the solutions are obtained for small-amplitude disturbances. The qualitative features of the response depend on the prescribed variation of the disturbance frequency with the magnitude of the nonconservative applied force. The disturbance can induce a smooth transition to the fluttering states of the rods, or it may induce jump transitions. The results suggest a possible technique for delaying panel flutter by applying periodic forcing functions with appropriate frequencies.
L. Muhlstein,et al.
An experimental study of the influence of the turbulent boundary layer on panel flutter
B. Matkowsky,et al.
Singular Perturbations of Bifurcations
H. Ziegler.
Principles of structural stability
V. V. Bolotin,et al.
Nonconservative problems of the theory of elastic stability
R. A. Silverman,et al.
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
G. Herrmann,et al.
Dynamics and stability of mechanical systems with follower forces
H. Weitzner,et al.
Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics