Simplified generation of all mechanical assembly sequences

Bourjault has presented a method which will generate all valid assembly sequences for the set of parts that constitute an assembly. A modification of Bourjault's method is presented which makes practical the application of this technique of assembly analysis to assemblies with greatly increased part count. The salient difference between the two methods is in the form and number of the questions whose answers yield the relations that allow algorithmic generation of assembly sequences. Bourjault's method requires 2l^{2} questions plus an often-large number of subsequent questions whose existence depends on answers to part of the former question set; all have yes or no answers. (Here l is the number of relations between parts.) The modified method requires 2l questions that are answered in a precedence-logical form; the questions are similar to those asked by an engineer contemplating assembly of a set of parts. Applications and techniques for use are presented, and examples are shown for l as great as 18.