Principles of Environmental Physics

PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION LIST OF SYMBOLS 1. SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSICS 2. GAS LAWS Pressure, volume and temperature Specific heats Lapse rate Water and water vapour Other gases 3. TRANSPORT LAWS General transfer equation Molecular transfer processes Diffusion coefficients Radiation laws 4. RADIATION ENVIRONMENT Solar radiation Terrestrial radiation Net radiation 5. MICROCLIMATOLOGY OF RADIATION (i) Interception Direct solar radiation Diffuse radiation Radiation in crop canopies 6. MICROCLIMATOLOGY OF RADIATION (ii) Absorption and reflection Radiative properties of natural materials Net radiation 7. MOMENTUM TRANSFER Boundary layers Wind profiles and drag on uniform surfaces Lodging and windthrow 8. HEAT TRANSFER Convection Non-dimensional groups Measurements of convection Conduction Insulation of animals 9. MASS TRANSFER (i) Gases and water vapour Non-dimensional groups Measurement of mass transfer Ventilation Mass transfer through pores Coats and clothing 10.MASS TRANSFER (ii) Particles Steady motion 11.STEADY STATE HEAT BALANCE (i) Water surfaces and vegetation Heat balance equation Heat balance of thermometers Heat balance of surfaces Developments from the Penman Equation 12.STEADY STATE HEAT BALANCE (ii) Animals Heat balance components The thermo-neutral diagram Specification of the environment Case studies 13.TRANSIENT HEAT BALANCE Time constant General cases Heat flow in soil 14.CROP MICROMETEOROLOGY (i) Profiles and fluxes Profiles Profile equations and stability Measurement of flux above the canopy 15.CROP MICROMETEOROLOGY (ii) Interpretation of measurements Resistance analogues Case studies: Water vapour and transpiration Carbon dioxide and growth Sulphur dioxide and pollutant fluxes to crops Transport within canopies APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES INDEX