This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of turbulence characteristics of flow in the wing-body junctures of straight, forward, and backswept wings. Measurements were made at a momentum thickness-based Reynolds number of about 5000 in three planes (i.e. the plane of symmetry and transverse planes at maximum thickness and 80 percent of the chord) using a three-component LDV in coincident mode. The forward-swept wing-body juncture exhibited the lowest turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The influence of sweep was observed in the form of higher levels in the flow field in the transverse plane at the trailing edge. The multiple-vortex structure of the system was clearly brought out by analyzing the turbulent transport of TKE. The maximum u-turbulence intensity level was observed to be farther upstream as compared to earlier reported results for the straight wing-body juncture. (Author)
A. Ahmed,et al.
Effect of sweep on wing-body juncture flow
Yukisada Sunabashiri,et al.
Vortex Shedding From a Circular Cylinder of Finite Length Placed on a Ground Plane
William J. Devenport,et al.
Turbulence structure near the nose of a wing-body junction
R. Abid,et al.
Experimental study of a turbulent horseshoe vortex using a three-component laser velocimeter
P. Bradshaw,et al.
Turbulent Flow Measurements in an Idealized Wing/Body Junction
L. Prandtl,et al.
Essentials of fluid dynamics