Chemical Oscillations and Instabilities: Non-Linear Chemical Kinetics

1. Introduction Part 1: The Techniques 2. Oscillations in a closed isothermal system 3. Oscillations in a closed isothermal system: mathematical analysis 4. Thermokinetic oscillations in a closed system 5. Hopf bifurcations, the growth of small oscillations, relaxation oscillations, and excitability 6. Autocatalysis in well-stirred open systems: the isothermal CSTR 7. Reaction in a non-isothermal CSTR: Stationary states and singularity theory 8. Oscillatory behaviour in the isothermal CSTR: autocatalytic systems 9. Autocatalytic reactions in plug-flow and diffusion reactors 10. Chemical diffusion pattern formation (Turing structures) 11. Travelling waves 12. Heterogeneous reactions 13. Complex oscillations and chemical chaos Part 2: Experiments 14. Experimental systems 1: solution-phase reactions 15. Experimental systems 2: gas-phase reactions References Index