A Review : “A Role of Knowledge Management Systems in Quality Assessment

The use  of Computer technology  has increased to a large extent through out the world. The society without Computers would be very difficult and hard to imagine just like electricity applications are said to have called fire applications without its presence it negatively affects the society and its absence makes hard to perform daily activities. The present day computers are changing and are becoming intelligent and are ready to solve experts problems and solve the societies problems and make the life easy . This is possible through advanced programees , tools and methods . The programmers are not solving now routine problems in the business , since many business applications have very advanced software’s (SAP, ERP, Cloud Computing, Communication Tools etc.) The knowledge is acquired after collecting related information from particular domain. The paper entitled, A Role of Knowledge Management Systems in Quality Assessment and Enhancement with respect to Higher Education will identify the status of the technological presences and need to use knowledgebase systems to improve the quality in higher education for academic activities.  Higher Education has become the crucial areas with respect to education sector. The extraction of knowledge from the human experts and transferring this into computer codes and storing it in the knowledgebase for the proper utilization and further processing which is knowledge engineering are the important stages in constructing the expert system. In this paper we have reviewed the applications of knowledge management system in quality assessment and enhancement with respect to higher education. The review is aimed to find the important areas for applying the expert system , major developments and research articles for quality parameters with respect to higher education . Research gaps are identified , conclusions are drawn and Directions for future research are suggested. The researcher would conduct the study in  area of creating the knowledge library . A system in which a knowledge of human experts of particular domain is extracted and stored in knowledgebase of an expert system and it can be used  whenever required  to solve experts problems and help the society . We can take benefit of expert in his absence as well we can keep his expertise , skill alive in future for solving problems of next generation.  Keywords: Fuzzy logic knowledge , Knowledge base systems, expert System, quality assessment, higher education, Knowledge Library.