Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology

Adaptive Dynamics Adaptive Landscapes Adaptive Vigilance Behavior Age Structure Allee Effects Allometry and Growth Animal Dispersal see Dispersal, Animal Apparent Competition Applied Ecology Assembly Processes Bayesian Statistics Behavioral Ecology Belowground Processes Beverton--Holt Model Bifurcations Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycles Birth--Death Models Bottom-Up Control Branching Processes Cannibalism Cellular Automata Chaos Coevolution Compartment Models Competition, Apparent see Apparent Competition Computational Ecology Conservation Biology Continental Scale Patterns Cooperation, Evolution of Delay Differential Equations Demographic Stochasticity see Stochasticity, Demographic Demography Difference Equations Differential Equations, Delay see Delay Differential Equations Differential Equations, Ordinary see Ordinary Differential Equations Differential Equations, Partial see Partial Differential Equations Discounting in Bioeconomics Disease Dynamics Dispersal, Animal Dispersal, Evolution of Dispersal, Plant Diversity Measures Dynamic Programming Ecological Economics Ecological Networks see Networks, Ecological Ecological Stoichiometry see Stoichiometry, Ecological Economics, Ecological see Ecological Economics Ecosystem-Based Management see Marine Reserves and Ecosystem-Based Management Ecosystem Ecology Ecosystem Engineers Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Valuation Ecotoxicology Energy Budgets Environmental Heterogeneity and Plants Environmental Stochasticity see Stochasticity, Environmental Epidemiology and Epidemic Modeling Evolutionarily Stable Strategies Evolutionary Computation Facilitation Fisheries Ecology Food Chains and Food Web Modules Food Webs Foraging Behavior Forest Simulators Frequentist Statistics Functional Traits of Species and Individuals Game Theory Gap Analysis and Presence/Absence Models Gas and Energy Fluxes across Landscapes Genetic Drift see Mutation, Selection, and Genetic Drift Geographic Information Systems Harvesting Theory Heterogeneity, Environmental see Environmental Heterogeneity and Plants Hydrodynamics Individual-Based Ecology Information Criteria in Ecology Integrated Whole Organism Physiology Integrodifference Equations Invasion Biology Landscape Ecology Marine Reserves and Ecosystem-Based Management Markov Chains Mating Behavior Matrix Models Meta-Analysis Metabolic Theory of Ecology Metacommunities Metapopulations Microbial Communities Model Fitting Movement: From Individuals to Populations Mutation, Selection, and Genetic Drift Networks, Ecological Neutral Community Theory Niche Construction Niche Overlap Nicholson Bailey Host Parasitoid Model Nondimensionalization NPZ Models Nutrient Cycles see Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycles Ocean Circulation, Dynamics of Optimal Control Theory Ordinary Differential Equations Pair Approximations Partial Differential Equations Phase Plane Analysis Phenotypic Plasticity Phylogenetic Reconstruction Phylogeography Plant Competition and Canopy Interactions Plant Dispersal see Dispersal, Plant Population Ecology Population Viability Analysis Predator--Prey Models Presence/Absence Models see Gap Analysis and Presence/Absence Models Programming, Dynamic see Dynamic Programming Quantitative Genetics Reaction--Diffusion Models Regime Shifts Reserve Selection and Conservation Prioritization Resilience and Stability Restoration Ecology Ricker Model Selection see Mutation, Selection, and Genetic Drift Sex, Evolution of Single-Species Metapopulations see Metapopulations Single-Species Population Models SIR Models Spatial Ecology Spatial Models, Stochastic Spatial Spread Species Ranges Stability Analysis Stage Structure Statistics in Ecology Stochasticity Stochasticity, Demographic Stochasticity, Environmental Stoichiometry, Ecological Storage Effect Stress and Species Interactions Succession Synchrony, Spatial Top-Down Control Toxicology, Environmental see Ecotoxicology Transport in Individuals Two-Species Competition Urban Ecology