Embodiment in cognition and culture

1. Preface 2. Introduction 3. Part I: Systems 4. The physical origins of purposive systems (by Deacon, Terrance) 5. The extensions of man revisited: From primary to tertiary embodiment (by Sonesson, Goran) 6. Part II: Images 7. Cognitive semantics and image schemas with embodied forces (by Gardenfors, Peter) 8. Feeling embodied in vision: The imagery of self-perception without mirrors (by Clausberg, Karl) 9. Part III: Form 10. The body of Susanne K. Langer's Mind (by Richter, Cornelia) 11. Is content embodied form? (by Liedman, Sven-Eric) 12. Part IV: Rhythm 13. Reading with the body: Sound, rhythm, and music in Gertrude Stein (by Steidele, Angela) 14. Work, rhythm, dance: Prerequisites for a kinaesthetics of media and arts (by Meyer-Kalkus, Reinhart) 15. Part V: Therapy 16. Body, mind and psychosomatic medicine (by Danzer, Gerhard) 17. What does laughter embody? (by Poole, Brian) 18. Part VI: Catharsis 19. Laughter, catharsis, and the patristic conception of embodied logos (by Westerkamp, Dirk) 20. The Christian body as a grotesque body (by Sigurdson, Ola) 21. Part VII: Symbolization 22. Radical imagination and symbolic pregnance: A Castoriadis-Cassirer connection (by Rosengren, Mats) 23. Philosophical anthropology and the embodied cognition paradigm: On the convergence of two research programs (by Krois, John Michael) 24. Notes on contributors 25. Contributors to "Embodiment in cognition and culture" 26. Name index 27. Subject index