Linking entrepreneurship to growth

This paper provides a link between the degree of entrepreneurial activity in a country and the growth performance. While a recent wave of empirical evidence suggests that the extent to which countries have shifted towards an increased role of entrepreneurship varies considerably across countries, virtually nothing is known about the consequences of lagging behind in this process. Do countries that have shifted towards a greater role for entrepreneurship enjoy greater growth? This question is crucial to policy makers, because if the opportunity cost, measured in terms of forgone growth, of a slow adjustment towards a greater role for entrepreneurship is relatively low, the consequences of not engaging in a rapid adjustment process are relatively trivial. However, if the opportunity cost is high, the consequences are more alarming. This paper offers two distinct approaches, based on two different measures of entrepreneurship – the relative share of economic activity accounted for by ... Liens entre entreprenariat et croissance Ce rapport se penche sur les liens qui unissent le degre d’entreprenariat d’un pays et le dynamisme de sa croissance. Si une recente deferlante de donnees empiriques semble indiquer que la mesure dans laquelle les pays developpent l’entreprenariat varie sensiblement d’un pays a l’autre, on ne sait pratiquement rien des consequences qui peuvent decouler d’un retard en la matiere. Les pays ou l’entreprenariat a gagne en importance beneficient-ils d’une croissance plus forte ? Cette question est vitale pour les decideurs car si le cout d’opportunite, mesure en termes de moindre croissance, d’une adaptation lente au developpement de l’entreprenariat est relativement faible, les consequences d’une non participation a un processus d’adaptation rapide sont relativement insignifiantes. En revanche, si le cout d’opportunite est eleve, les consequences sont plus inquietantes. Ce rapport propose deux methodes distinctes, fondees sur deux mesures differentes de l’entreprenariat – la part ...

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