The final year is the last part of the study of human medicine and can be regarded as an essential period, during which medical knowledge should be consequently converted into medical expertise. Since the amendment of the medical license policy ("Ärztliche Approbationsordnung" [ÄApprO]) from July 17, 2012, in particular, since April 01, 2013, German universities have been obliged to provide a training schedule such as a "logbook" for this final year, specifically for the mandatory time periods within surgery and internal medicine. In preparation for this innovation, the German Medical School Association ("Medizinischer Fakultätentag") presented basic logbooks as consensus documents in June 2012. The portfolio for each surgery discipline and the Magdeburg Medical School, had been developed on the basis of individual initiatives and used for years, and was revised, specified and further developed into a "logbook of the medical study's final year" - specific for daily practice and the Magdeburg Medical School, and to the guidelines of the Medical School Association ("Medizinischer Fakultätentag"). The aim of the present commentary is i) to present the Magdeburg Medical School logbook and its clinical planning for cases, diagnoses and (surgical) interventions, as a summary of institutional experience and ii) to describe the mandatory surgical part of the "Magdeburg's final year of the study of human medicine".
Narrative short overview including individual teaching experiences and topic-related references from "PubMed" using terms for literature search such as "surgical logbook", "practical year" and "medical teaching". The background and aims of the document's modifications are explained for each surgical discipline.
The "Logbook" is subdivided into 6 chapters: introduction, basics, statement of requirement, selected surgical diseases and interventions as well as information on final year-associated events and courses and instructions for creating the obligatory case report.
The presented "Magdeburg Medical School Final Year Logbook of the Surgical Disciplines" has been created according to the requirements of the German Medical School Association ("Medizinischer Fakultätentag") and has been simultaneously adapted to the conditions and established medical teaching at the presenting Medical School. In particular, the medical students are given a document related to daily clinical practice, which allows them, within an overall teaching concept, to acquire indispensable expertise.