Atmospheric Characterization During Super-Resolution Vision System Developmental Testing

Abstract : The Super-Resolution Vision System is a DARPA-sponsored project designed to create an imaging system that can see more sharply through optical turbulence. The system has integrated several image processing techniques into a modular package. To test the system, measurements of optical targets at ranges up to 2 km were collected at White Sands Missile Range, NM, between 13 and 15 November, 2012. This report documents the atmospheric characterization performed in support of that test to measure winds and turbulence strength present. Weather conditions during much of the test period were dry and clear, except during the afternoon of November 15. Turbulence strength (C2 n) reached 2 10(-13) m 2/3 during much of the daylight hours (0900 to 1500), providing a stressing environment for much of the testing period. Meteorological data were collected from 0630 through 1630 local time each day of the test. RM Young 81000 sonic anemometers were located at 0-, 800-, and 1800-m target points at 1.5-m elevation to provide point estimates of C2 n. Sonic anemometer data were also collected at a 0-km tower at several levels, providing a vertical turbulence profile. Turbulence data were also collected optically using scintillometers over 800- and 1800-m paths.