"GALANT - Architecture of a Real-Time Safety of Life Receiver"

It is well known that interference is a serious threat for the new Galileo services especially in the E5 and E6 bands, as it has already been pointed out in the open literature. Especially for the Safety-of–Life (SoL) applications high power pulsed radars are a major concern. To cope with such interference it is essential for the development of a SoL receiver to consider the impact of interference on each part of the receiving chain. For this reason a new project was launched by the Institute of Communications and Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The aim of this project is to perform the necessary pre-development research as well as to develop, build and demonstrate an integrated SoL receiver system, which is robust against interference and multipath effects. Since array antennas with digital beamforming offer a very high potential for suppression of interference and multipath signals, the integration of an array antenna has been included in the receiver design from the early beginning of the project.