SiC materials and devices
K. Jarrendahl and R.F. Davis, Materials Properties and Characterization of SiC. V.A. Dmitriev and M.G. Spencer, SiC Fabrication Technology: Growth and Doping. V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, Silicon Carbide Materials and Devices. M. Shur, SiC Transistors. C.D. Brandt, R.C. Clarke, R.R. Siergiej, J.B. Casady, and A.W. Morse, SiC for Applications in High Power Electronics. R.J. Trew, SiC Microwave Devices. C. Carter, J. Edmond, H. Kong, G. Negley, M. Leonard, K. Doverspike, W. Weeks, A. Suvorov, and D. Waltz, SiC-Based UV Photodiodes and Light Emitting Diodes. H. Morkoc, Beyond Silicon Carbide! II-V Nitride Based Heterostructures and Devices. Subject Index.