Pest management and pesticide management in the Arab Republic of Egypt

This report presents observations on pest management and pesticide management in Egypt, made by six United States participants in the Pest Management Colloquim during a seven-day visit in October, 1975. The team made several recommendations. Among them: A radically modified approach to pest control problems Qf cotton must be developed in Egypt if its cotton production is to be maintained. The model for this approach, called integrated pest control, is set forth in the FAO Guidelines for integrated Pest Control on Cotton. Economic injury levels need to be scientifically established in Egypt for the bollworm, pink bollworm, and cotton thrips. Economic thresholds need to be developed for the cotton leafworm, and more effective insecticide programs developed. Studies should be initiated on the G. barbadense cottons of Egypt to determine the effects of thrips populations on Yield. Importation of exotic beneficial parasites and predators should also be considered, as well as eventually mass release of beneficial species. The value of United States/Egypt exchanges of scientists was discussed. Also discussed were plans for the February, 1977, Pesticide Management Seminar/Workshop, and the possibility of establishing outside Cairo an Institute of Integrated Pest Control for Cotton