Undergraduate Research Internships and Graduate School Success.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Undergraduate Research Internships and Graduate School Success Introduction Outline Literature Literature (cont.) Sample Composition Summary of Questions That Appeared on Survey Summary of Questions That Appeared on Survey (cont.) Surveys to Alumni Results Table 1: Directors’ Estimated Effectiveness of Various Components of McNair Programs Table 2: Required Prerequisites for Participation in Research Internship as Reported by Program Table 3: Required End Products of Primary Research Internship as Reported by Program Directors Table 4: Directors’ Estimated Effectiveness of Research Internship in Promoting Graduate School Table 5: Comparison McNair Alumni and Directors’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Table 6: Guttman Scaling Technique, Consistent Table 7: Standardized Coefficient Estimates and Collinearity Diagnostics for Directors’ Estimation The Importance of the Research Internship Example: Truman State University Program Truman State University (cont.) Undergraduate Research Internships and Graduate School Success