Work of the Laboratories. After the opening ceremony the visitors had an opportunity of seeing something of the current work of the laboratories as illustrated by demonstrations given in all parts of the building. These demonstrations and exhibits covered a wide range of investigations. The principal subjects were as follows: micro-methods of blood analysis; biochemistry of animal pigments; plant respiration and plant pigments; perfusion of organs and biochemical defensive mechanisms; sugar metabolism in the potato; the chemistry of active muscle; work on the thyroid glaid; bacteriological chemistry, illustrated by the metabolism of bacteria; the effect of parasitism on the velocity of chemical reaction; tissue oxidations; measuremenit of respiratory changes in human beings and in small animals; the preparation and control of insulin; enzyme activities; biochemistry of fermentation, illustrated by chemical changes in the yeast cell; the technique of micro-dissection of cells; the electrical determination of acidity; and lastly, an exhibit illustrating the importance of vitamins in foodstuffs and their relative proportions, and showing how the results of animal experiments are borne out by human experience.