In the Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] paper, a complete self-testing and self configuring NoC infrastructure for cost-effective MPSoCs was presented in order to make NoC architecture tolerant to faults. To overcome the complexity involved during the complete reconfiguration of routing instances in the face of most of the usual failure patterns, Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] proposed a fast self-reconfiguration algorithm. The algorithm is based on segment-based routing implemented using Logic-Based Distributed Routing (LBDR) and claimed to have handled the most common NoC faults. The purpose of this comment is to demonstrate the inconsistency of the fast self-configuration method presented in Ghiribaldi et al. [2013]. To handle inconsistency, we present the correct set of LBDR bits and also argue that complete reconfiguration of the routing instance is mandatory to handle some fault combinations. New coverage results of the fast self-reconfiguration algorithm of Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] are also presented.
Andrés Mejía Gómez.
Design and implementation of efficient topology agnostic routing algorithms for interconnection networks
Alessandro Strano,et al.
OSR-Lite: Fast and deadlock-free NoC reconfiguration framework
2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS).
Michele Favalli,et al.
A complete self-testing and self-configuring NoC infrastructure for cost-effective MPSoCs
José Duato,et al.
On the Potentials of Segment-Based Routing for NoCs
2008 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing.