Analysis of demographics and results of student's opinion survey of a large scale mooc deployment for the spanish speaking community

We describe the demographics and comment the completion rate and satisfaction results of Universität Politecnica de Valencia first three MOOC editions, 2 in its platform and one in Universia's platform We have the completion rate data of over 83.000 students, demographic data from precourse enrollment (more than 30.000) and opinion data from postcourse surveys (9000, mostly from successful students). What we obtain is consistent with the results found in former articles about MOOCs in the leading US platforms: The students like the courses and the system (95% think that the system is excellent or good and 70% think they have learnt a lot or quite a lot) but passing rate (15%) and engagement in forums is low. He have a majority of men and most of the enrolled students have a university background and are between 25 and 45 years old. We see that the perception of the quality of the learning systems and the courses is similar in the first two editions (with answers mostly from completers) and in UPV[X]-2 edition with 40% of answers from non completers We have also found that the main cause cited to quit the courses is "lack of time".