Shagrir ([2001]) and Sprevak ([2010]) explore the apparent necessity of representation for the individuation of digits (and processors) in computational systems.1 I will first offer a response to Sprevak’s argument that does not mention Shagrir’s original formulation, which was more complex. I then extend my initial response to cover Shagrir’s argument, thus demonstrating that it is possible to individuate digits in non-representational computing mechanisms. I also consider the implications that the non-representational individuation of digits would have for the broader theory of computing mechanisms. 1 The Received View: No Computation without Representation 2 Computing Mechanisms and Functional Individuation 3 Against Computational Externalism 4 Implications for the Mechanistic Account 1 The Received View: No Computation without Representation 2 Computing Mechanisms and Functional Individuation 3 Against Computational Externalism 4 Implications for the Mechanistic Account
G. Piccinini.
Functionalism, Computationalism, and Mental States
Mark Sprevak.
Computation, individuation, and the received view on representation
William Bechtel,et al.
Mental Mechanisms: What are the Operations?
C. Craver.
Explaining the Brain: Mechanisms and the Mosaic Unity of Neuroscience
Gualtiero Piccinini,et al.
Physical computation : a mechanistic account
Christopher Peacocke.
Content, Computation and Externalism
Gualtiero Piccinini,et al.
Computation without Representation
G. Piccinini.
Functionalism, Computationalism, and Mental Contents
Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
Carl F. Craver,et al.
Mechanisms and natural kinds