Perinatal Outcomes of Neonates with Complex and Simple Gastroschisis after Planned Preterm Delivery—A Single-Centre Retrospective Cohort Study

This research analysed early neonatal outcomes of complex and simple gastroschisis following planned elective preterm delivery in relation to prenatal ultrasound assessment of bowel conditions. A retrospective study of 61 neonates with prenatal gastroschisis diagnosis, birth, and management at a single tertiary centre from 2011 to 2021 showed a 96.72% survival rate with no intrauterine fatalities. Most cases (78.7%) were simple gastroschisis. Neonates with complex gastroschisis had longer hospital stays and time to full enteral feeding compared to those with simple gastroschisis—75.4 versus 35.1 days and 58.1 versus 24.1 days, respectively. A high concordance of 86.90% between the surgeon’s and perinatologist’s bowel condition assessments was achieved. The caesarean delivery protocol demonstrated safety, high survival rate, primary closure, and favourable outcomes compared to other reports. Prenatal ultrasound effectively evaluated bowel conditions and identified complex gastroschisis cases.

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