Deep networks with probabilistic gates

We investigate learning to probabilistically bypass computations in a network architecture. Our approach is motivated by AIG [43], where layers are conditionally executed depending on their inputs, and the network is trained against a target bypass rate using a per-layer loss. We propose a per-batch loss function, and describe strategies for handling probabilistic bypass during inference as well as training. Per-batch loss allows the network additional flexibility. In particular, a form of mode collapse becomes plausible, where some layers are nearly always bypassed and some almost never; such a configuration is strongly discouraged by AIG’s per-layer loss. We explore several inference-time strategies, including the natural MAP approach. With data-dependent bypass, we demonstrate improved performance over AIG. With data-independent bypass, as in stochastic depth [18], we observe mode collapse and effectively prune layers. We demonstrate our techniques on ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 [11] for ImageNet [3], where our techniques produce improved accuracy (.15–.41% in precision@1) with substantially less computation (bypassing 25–40% of the layers).

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