Lung ectopia and agenesis with heart dextrorotation.

Tracheoesophageal fistula is a relatively common anomaly, but other forms of communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tree are rare. This report describes the seventh reported patient with ectopic or accessory lung in which the sole bronchial communication was with the gastrointestinal tract. It is also the fourth such patient successfully treated by surgery. Report of Case A 5-month-old Caucasian girl was admitted to The Children's Hospital with a history of respiratory and feeding difficulties since the first few days of life. The infant was born at term, weighing 7 lb. 8oz. (3,400 gm.) Delivery, following a pregnancy complicated only by a febrile illness during the sixth month, was uneventful. No abnormalities were noted at birth or during the neonatal hospital course, but, soon after arrival home, episodes of choking, coughing, and "chest rattle" commenced. These were associated with feeding and became more pronounced after introduction of