Shrinkage of polyurethane molecular stamp fixed on epoxy resin modified glass substrate

The shrinkage of polyurethane stamps used for the in situ synthesis of DNA microarrays via molecular stamping method was studied with Micron XYZ Scope. It was found that the polyurethane stamp fixed on the epoxy resin modified glass strongly and showed minimum linear shrinkage. The linear shrinkage of the whole polyurethane stamp and that of each feature of polyurethane stamp were controlled within 0.0341% and 0.309%, respectively, which were due to the strong van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds between polyurethane and epoxy resin. It was also confirmed by scanning electron microscope that the polyurethane stamp fixed on the epoxy resin modified glass replicated the patterns of motherboard with a high fidelity. All these underlay the synthesis of DNA microarray through molecular stamping method.