Use of simulator data on operator response times to support revision of a design standard
The approach, data and results of re-evaluation of the simulator data collected during the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)-sponsored Operator Reliability Experiments (ORE) Program to support revision of the American Nuclear Safety ANS-58.8 standard are described. The results of some simulator data analysis in the context of the ANS-58.8 standard for PWR and BWR plants are provided. The new data was collected automatically at the plant simulators using the EPRI-sponsored Operator Reliability Assessment Systems (OPERAS) to complement the ORE data. Operator response time data have been compiled and analyzed in the context of the two time delays TT/sub 1/ (Time Test 1) and TT/sub 2/ (Time Test 2) as defined in the ANS-58.8 standard. Results of the statistical analyses of data are presented for both PWRs and BWRs. Additionally, recommendations on potential modifications to the TT/sub 1/ and TT/sub 2/ definitions are made.<<ETX>>