Angle-Resolved Photoemission Extended Fine Structure

Core level angle-resolved photoemission intensity oscillates sinusoidally with increasing photoelectron momentum. Interference between direct and scattered photo-emission causes this angle-resolved photoemission extended fine structure (ARPEFS). We will discuss an analytic single-scattering theory which quantitatively describes the oscillations. The procedures for extracting surface geometry information from photo-emission measurements will be illustrated with S(1s) ARPEFS from S on Ni(100) and Cu(100) obtained with the soft X-ray double crystal monochromator at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. Building on the surface sensitivity and chemical selectivity of photoemission, ARPEFS analysis provides direct geometrical information from the oscillation frequencies (derived with auto-regressive Fourier analysis), from intensity changes with polarization and analyzer position, and from analysis of scattering phase-shift zero-crossings.