The role of autologous blood injection on postoperative air leak at lung resections.
The effects of autologous blood injection beneath the stapling lines on postoperative air leak after lung resections, especially in emphysematous lungs, were prospectively investigated.
The study was carried out on 16 randomized patients. The mean age of the study group was 58 and the mean forced expiratory volume at one second (FEV1) at the spirometry was 2.05 L. In the control group, the mean age was 60 and the mean FEV1 was 1.97 L. All 16 cases were males and had a history of smoking. In the study group, 10-20 ml of autologous venous blood was drawn by the anesthesist and transferred to the operation team. The blood was gently injected underneath the staple line and ultimately 1 cm thickened layer of the lung was obtained. In the control group only staplers were applied.
There was no air leak at the end of the operation at the study group, whereas additional sutures which were pledgetted with Gore-tex patches were needed at four cases at the control group. There were minimal air leaks at three cases at the control group at the postoperative period, while there was no postoperative air leak problem at the study group. Thorax tubes were removed at the 3rd and the 3.9th days at the study and the control groups, respectively.
We believe this simple and cheap method could be used at least in some instances where additional staple reinforcement would be necessary. It may also be remembered when air leaks are encountered at suture holes after suturing the lung.