Examining workplace hazard perceptions & employee outcomes in the long-term care industry

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine how workplace hazard perceptions are related to psychological strain and other employee outcomes for direct care workers in long-term care settings. Data were collected from 3068 direct care workers in long-term care. The study used 2 analytical techniques: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). CFA tested whether the observed variables measured the latent constructs of psychological strain, workplace hazards, and supervisor support. SEM was used to test direct and indirect relationships among the variables. Perceptions of workplace hazards were significantly and positively associated with psychological strain (β = .50, p  These findings suggest that direct care workers’ perceptions of workplace hazards are related to reduced job satisfaction and higher intentions to quit. Our findings identify the need for organizations to reduce physical hazards in the workplace and acknowledge how perceptions of workplace hazards may reduce workers’ psychological health.

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