Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children

This book is a shocking venture behind the scenes of the widespread manipulation of children by profit-seeking corporations – and of society’s failure to protect them.Childhood Under Siege reveals big business’s discovery of a new resource to be mined for profit – our children. A journey through a world of unabashed exploitation, clued-out parents, and governments that look the other way, it tells the chilling and at times darkly humorous story of business’s plans to turn kids into obsessive and narcissistic mini-consumers, media addicts, cheap and pliable workers, and chemical industry guinea pigs. Not to mention pharmaceutical pill poppers – psychotropic drug consumption by children has increased fivefold since 1980.It’s a winner-takes-all battle for children’s hearts, minds and bodies as corporations pump billions into rendering parents and governments powerless to protect children from their calculated commercial assault and its disturbing toll on their health and well-being.