Semi-device-independent multiparty quantum key distribution in the asymptotic limit

We present a security analysis of a multiparty quantum key distribution (QKD) based on Mermin-Ardehali-Belinskiĭ-Klyshko (MABK) type multipartite nonlocality. Our analysis provides an asymptotic secret key rate of the multiparty QKD under the restriction that successive trials are completely independent. In our analysis, we construct the relation between a secret key rate of the multiparty QKD and an expectation value of MABK operator. We show that side channel attacks, which can threaten the information theoretic (IT) security analysis of multiparty QKD, are prevented in our analysis. We compare secret key rates obtained by using the IT analysis, the existing fully device-independent analysis, and our analysis. It is shown that efficiency of the multiparty QKD can be improved with increasing number of authorized parties in our analysis as well.

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