Self-adaptive routing algorithm based on clustering for sensor networks

Considering the limited energy and transmission range of sensor nodes in sensor networks, an innovative routing algorithm was proposed. Firstly it selected cluster-heads self-adaptively based on local information and worked order of each node. And then it found some efficient routes for communication among virtual backbone networks which was made up of sinks and cluster-heads. It differed from LEACH, the classical clustering algorithm, in the new algorithm it selected cluster-heads by considering the working order synthetically instead of periodically. And cluster was stable for a while until it obtained certain conditions whose cluster-head changes in-cluster. Furthermore data was forwarded via routes instead of being sent directly to sinks which might be far away. Therefore it is distributed, low complexity and can balance the energy expenditure which will render the total energy expenditure lower and increase the throughput. Also theoretic analysis and simulation results prove it is effective and scalable.