Characterization of canopy fuels using ICESat/GLAS data

article i nfo This study aimed to estimate canopy fuel properties relevant for crown fire behavior using ICESat/GLAS sat- ellite LiDAR data. GLAS estimates were compared to canopy fuel products generated from airborne LiDAR data, which had been previously validated against field data. The geolocation accuracy of the data was eval- uated by comparing ground elevation on both datasets, showing an offset of 1 pixel (20 m). Canopy cover (CC) was estimated as the ratio of the canopy energy to the total energy of the waveform. Application of a canopy base height threshold (CBH) to compute the canopy energy increased the accuracy of CC estimates (R 2 =0.89; RMSE=16.12%) and yielded a linear relationship with airborne LiDAR estimates. In addition, bet- ter agreement was obtained when the CC derived from airborne LiDAR data was estimated using the intensity of the returns. An empirical model, based on the CC and the leading edge (LE), was derived to estimate leaf area index (LAI) using stepwise regression providing good agreement with the reference data (R 2 =0.9,

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