과시적 키즈 패션의 특성과 내적 의미 연구

The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of conspicuous kids fashion and its intrinsic meaning as the popular trends of luxury product consumption expand into the area of kids" fashion. For methodologies, literature study was conducted along with empirical study. The literature study was based on various literatures and preceding studies, including books. The empirical materials used the internet photos, overseas kids fashion magazines, and free newspapers available on the basis of membership targeting the upper class. Conspicuous kids fashion refers to imported luxury kids brands, which signify higher status of the wearer due to the high prices and high quality. These brands were thrust into limelight amid the Wanna-Be Phenomenon, which resulted from the emergence of kids" fashion icons. Imported luxury brands launched the products in the form of brand line extensions. It promoted exhibition of vicarious consumption to show off the wealth and social prestige of parents. It came into prominence due to emotional consumption among kitty moms. Moreover, this study examined the intrinsic meaning of conspicuous kids fashion. The results showed components of conspicuous kids fashion, which was classified into the emphasis on outward appearance, consumption for vicarious satisfaction, inheritance of cultural capital, and network configuration.