Effect of Triiodothyronine on Adiponectin Expression and Leptin Release by White Adipose Tissue of Normal Rats

Previous studies have shown that alterations in thyroid status may lead to changes in serum leptin and adiponectin, both in humans and rodents. The mechanisms, especially for adiponectin, are unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effect of triiodothyronine (T3) on the expression of adiponectin mRNA and the release of leptin and adiponectin by white adipose tissue (WAT) explants obtained from epididymal (visceral) or inguinal (subcutaneous) depots from normal rats. We also analyzed the effects of other known regulators of adiponectin and leptin release, such as rosiglitazone and dexamethasone. T3 acted directly at rat WAT explants in a depot-specific manner and in a unique fashion to each hormone. T3 was able to inhibit leptin release only by epididymal explants, and to reduce adiponectin mRNA expression only in inguinal explants. However, T3 was incapable of modifying adiponectin release by both explants. Additionally, rosiglitazone exhibited an inhibitory effect on adiponectin release by both WAT explants, even though adiponectin mRNA was importantly upregulated only in inguinal explants. Rosiglitazone acted as an inhibitor of leptin release by both studied fat depots, while only epididymal explants responded to the stimulatory effect of dexamethasone on leptin release. Therefore, the present model of isolated rat white adipose tissue explants highlights the fact that the regulation of hormonal production by white adipose tissue depends on the type of depot and its anatomical location. In this context, our results show for the first time a potential inhibitory effect of T3 on adiponectin mRNA expression specifically on WAT from a subcutaneous depot.