New Tarsonemids Associated with Bark Beetles (Acarina: Tarsonemidae)

The generic characters for Ununguitarsonemus Beer and Nucifora are emended and U. peacocki n. sp. is described. Descriptions and illustrations for Heterotarsonemus milleri and H. nakaharai n. spp. are presented, as well as a key to species for this genus. A lectotype is designated for Pseudotarsonemoides eccoptogasteris Vitzthum, the type for the genus. Illustrations and a redescription for this taxon are included. A key to species for this genus is included. New Pseudotarsonemoides spp. are: scolyti, americanus , and fechteri. The adult male of Tarsonemus ips is described and illustrations for the pupa and immature stages are given. New Tarsonemus spp. are: kennedyi, krantzi, wilkinsoni , and suskii.