Who Survived Titanic? A Logistic Regression Analysis
Titanic --based upon passenger characteristics. The main finding is that underneath the strong overt preference afforded in the rescue by the authorities to women and children over men, there was a complex class determination of survival rates among men, on the one hand, and women and children, on the other. We hypothesize that the statistical interactions of gender and class are explained by two crucial decisions made by the ship’s authorities: 1. to encourage, and perhaps direct, some three to four hundred 3rd Class men quartered in the lower decks at the forward end back to the afterend of the stern; 2. to restrict the access of men at the after - end of the ship to the lifeboats launched from the after Boat and Promenade Decks.
[1] Warship,et al. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects , 1960, Nature.
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