Digital Collections, Digital Libraries & the Digitization of Cultural Heritage Information

This paper is based on the transcript of a largely extemporaneous keynote address given at the Web-Wise 2002 Conference on March 20, 2002 at Johns Hopkins University. It has been edited, but it preserves the character of an informal talk rather than a formal paper. I have taken the opportunity to expand upon or clarify a few points, and have also added a few footnotes and pointers to additional information on some of the topics discussed. Parts of the question and answer segment that were captured as part of the transcript have also been included, though I've had the advantage of being able to reconsider some of my answers while the questioners have not had that opportunity; my apologies to them.

[1]  Christine L. Borgman,et al.  What are Digital Libraries? Competing Visions , 1999, Inf. Process. Manag..