Achromatic super-oscillatory lenses with sub-wavelength focusing

Lenses are crucial to light-enabled technologies. Conventional lenses have been perfected to achieve near-diffraction-limited resolution and minimal chromatic aberrations. However, such lenses are bulky and cannot focus light into a hotspot smaller than a half-wavelength of light. Pupil filters, initially suggested by Toraldo di Francia, can overcome the resolution constraints of conventional lenses but are not intrinsically chromatically corrected. Here we report single-element planar lenses that not only deliver sub-wavelength focusing, thus beating the diffraction limit of conventional refractive lenses, but also focus light of different colors into the same hotspot. Using the principle of super-oscillations, we designed and fabricated a range of binary dielectric and metallic lenses for visible and infrared parts of the spectrum that are manufactured on silicon wafers, silica substrates and optical fiber tips. Such low-cost, compact lenses could be useful in mobile devices, data storage, surveillance, robotics, space applications, imaging, manufacturing with light and spatially resolved nonlinear microscopies.

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