Effect of Coarse Aggregate on the Freeze-Thaw Durability of Pervious Concrete

Pervious concrete is becoming more common as a storm-water management tool in freeze-thaw climates. One of the main concerns or obstacles preventing a more widespread application is the aspect of freeze-thaw durability, whether perceived or actual. This paper describes a series of tests designed to determine the specific role coarse aggregate has on the freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete using the ASTM C666A procedure. 17 different coarse aggregate samples were obtained from locations across the United States and Canada. Pervious concrete mixtures were placed using a mixture proportion previously determined as freeze-thaw durable. The range of durable aggregate gradations clearly defined a gradation specification and suggestions are made for optimizing the gradation with a small portion of sand. Mixtures with excellent freeze-thaw performance contained either granite or highly durable river gravel. The impact of aggregate angularity on mixture proportions and ultimate yield is also discussed.