Evolution in the design and development of the in-service inspection device for the Indian 500 MWe Fast Breeder Reactor

Abstract In-service inspection (ISI) plays a major role in monitoring the condition of nuclear power plant structures and components. Based on the information gathered during inspection and the studies carried out, it is possible to assess the extent of damage and take corrective measures to keep effects of ageing under control. In nuclear power plants comprehensive ISI is dictated by issues of increased safety to personnel and equipment, and efficiently enhances the plant life. A special emphasis has been laid on the development of robotic devices for the ISI of the indigenous Indian 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) components. This paper traces the experiments and simulations in the key developments of a robotic device, for the ISI of main vessel and safety vessel of FBRs, carried out at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, India.