Perturbation theory for pseudo-inverses

A perturbation theory for pseudo-inverses is developed. The theory is based on a useful decomposition (theorem 2.1) ofB+ -A+ whereB andA arem ×n matrices. Sharp estimates of ∥B+ -A+∥ are derived for unitary invariant norms whenA andB are of the same rank and ∥B -A∥ is small. Under similar conditions the perturbation of a linear systemAx=b is studied. Realistic bounds on the perturbation ofx=A+b andr=b=Ax are given. Finally it is seen thatA+ andB+ can be compared if and only ifR(A) andR(B) as well asR(AH) andR(BH) are in the acute case. Some theorems valid only in the acute case are also proved.