Konstruktion av stationär komprimator
This Master’s Thesis, under the Division of Machine Design at Lund Institute of
Technology, was conducted at Presona AB located in Tomelilla, Sweden during the
first half of 2006. Presona AB is a leading manufacturer of equipment for handling
and compression of waste. The object of the thesis is to reduce the manufacturing cost
of Presona’s heavy duty stationary compactor. This is acquired by redesign of the
Presona’s existing stationary compactor is a robust product which compresses the
waste by means of a hydraulic cylinder positioned centrally in the compactor. The
cylinder is dimensioned to attain a press force of 30 metric tons. The compactor
consists of four major parts; the frame, the press plate, the hydraulic system and the
electric system. The focus of the Master’s Thesis has been put on redesign of the
frame and the press plate which have been analyzed in ANSYS Workbench [7] in
order to identify redundant and over dimensioned parts and components. The thesis’
objective was to reduce the compactor’s manufacturing cost by 40 per cent.
A number of primary product concepts were developed, analyzed and evaluated
during the concept generation part of the project. Out of these concepts four were
judged good enough to be further developed during the second part of the concept
generation. These were evaluated and graded according to the methodology in Ulrich
and Eppinger’s book Product Design and Development [4]. The result of the
evaluation was that Presona’s current concept is to be further developed during the
concept development phase.
The frame and the press plate were continuously further developed and redesigned
after discussions within the group and with representatives from Presona and after
stress analyses in ANSYS Workbench conducted by Johannes Lind and Rasmus
Juhlin [7]. During the redesign of the frame and the press plate the accessibility
during service was taken into consideration and they were designed to be easy to
manufacture and assemble.
The final design of the compactor is made with the new designed frame and press
plate together with the current hydraulic- and electric systems. Both the frame and the
press plate have been lightened and the total weight of the compactor has been
reduced by almost 23 per cent. Both parts are built by fewer parts than before, they
are designed for manufacture and the need of welding has been reduced. The stress
analyses of the frame and the press plate indicates that they will stand normal
maximal press force and the uneven loads that have been analyzed.
In order to further reduce the manufacturing cost of the compactor the hydraulic
system and the electric system should be changed. Through minor changes in the
compactor’s performance it is possible to exchange the custom-made cylinder of
today to a standardized cylinder. The electric system should be PLC-controlled
instead of being relay controlled as it is today. Our recommendation to Presona is to
investigate these suggested changes and our estimation is that the object of the thesis
is reachable if they are performed.